Japanese |
Title | 肝細胞癌の診断における99mTc- (Sn) -N-pyridoxyl-5-methyltryptophan [99mTc-PMT] の臨床的評価 |
Subtitle | 短報 |
Authors | 長谷川義尚*, 中野俊一*, 野口敦司*, 橋詰輝己*, 井深啓次郎*, 佐々木洋**, 今岡真義**, 児島淳之介***, 石上重行*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *大阪府立成人病センターRI科, **外科, ***内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 20 |
Number | 9 |
Page | 1355-1359 |
Year/Month | 1983/11 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「I. はじめに」 肝細胞癌の核医学的診断において, 特異的に肝細胞癌に取り込まれ, これを陽性描画する放射性薬剤が利用できるようになれば理想的である. 肝細胞癌は肝細胞の性格の一部を有する場合があり, 131I-ローズベンガルをはじめとする各種の肝胆道系シンチグラム製剤が肝細胞癌に集積した症例が報告されている. 今回, われわれは最近開発された肝胆道系シンチグラム製剤である99mTc- (Sn) -N-Pyridoxyl-5-methyltryptophan (99mTc-PMT) が肝細胞癌に集積するか否かを検討し, 興味ある成績を得たので報告する. 「II. 対象ならびに方法」 対象はTable 1に示す肝細胞癌の19例である. このうち, 15例を組織学的に, 残りの4例をアルファ胎児性タンパク値, 選択的血管造影所見などより臨床的に, 肝細胞癌と診断した. 99mTc-PMTの5〜15mCiを静注し, 5, 10, (20) 分, 1, (2) , 5時間後に肝臓部のシンチグラムを撮像した. その後, 3〜4日の間隔をおいて, 99mTc-Sn-コロイドによる肝シンチグラムを撮像した. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Hepatoma, Tc-99m- (Sn) -N-pyridoxyl-5-methyltryptophan, Hepatobiliary imaging, Delayed scan |
English |
Title | Clinical Evaluation of 99mTc- (Sn) -N-pyridoxyl-5-methyltryptophan (99mTc-PMT) in Diagnosis of Hepatoma |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Yoshihisa HASEGAWA*, Shunichi NAKANO*, Atsushi NOGUCHI*, Terumi HASHIZUME*, Keijiro IBUKA*, Yo SASAKI**, Masayoshi IMAOKA**, Jyunnosuke KOZIMA***, Shigeyuki ISHIGAMI*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Nuclear Medicine, **Department of Surgery, ***Department of Internal Medicine, The Center for Adult Diseases Osaka |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 20 |
Number | 9 |
Page | 1355-1359 |
Year/Month | 1983/11 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | [Summary] Some hepatomas have been reported to concentrate hepatobiliary scanning agents, but their application for detection of hapatoma seems to be not settled yet. A new hepatobiliary agent, 99mTc-PMT has been reported to show the most rapid hepatic uptake among agents tested. We therefore studied the availability of 99mTc-PMT for diagnosis of hepatoma in 19 cases, of which 15 cases were histologically proven. The liver was scanned at 5 min, and 1 and 5 hours after injection of 99mTc-PMT (5-15mCi) and the images were compared with those of colloid scans. The degree of 99mTc-PMT uptake in the lesions was classified into 4 groups as follows ; increased, equilibrated, decreased and undetermined uptake as compared with the surrounding area. In the early scan obtained at 5 min, the result was as follows ; the increased 0, equilibrated 2, decreased 17 and undetermined 0 in distribution. On the contrary, the delayed scan obtained at 5 hours after injection showed the increased 9, equilibrated 5, decreased 4 and undetermined 1. The delayed scan was found to be useful to evaluate the degree of 99mTc-PMT uptake by hepatoma, suggesting that 99mTc-PMT scan can be expected as a useful diagnostic method for detection of hepatoma. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Hepatoma, Tc-99m- (Sn) -N-pyridoxyl-5-methyltryptophan, Hepatobiliary imaging, Delayed scan |