Japanese |
Title | 99mTc-生体内標識赤血球による循環血液量の評価 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 浜中大三郎*, 玉木長良*, 石井靖*, 中島言子*, 藤田透*, 鳥塚莞爾* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *京都大学医学部放射線核医学科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 20 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 199-203 |
Year/Month | 1983/3 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」99mTc-生体内標識赤血球法 (以下99mTc-RBC法) が, 定量的評価の対象となりうるには, 導入RIの挙動, すなわち体内標識の安定性を知らなければならない. 赤血球放射活性は, 99mTcO4-静注30分後で111.8±7.5% (5分後を100%) と高く, 60分後に至るまで大きな変動はみられず, また, 血中での標識率は99mTcO4-静注10分後より60分後に至るまで95.5±2.0%であった. 51Cr-RBCによる循環血液量 (以下 T.B.V.) を対象値 (100%) とすると, 標識率は81.5±7.4%と10%以内の誤差範囲にあると考えられた. また, T.B.V. 測定では, RISA, 51Cr-RBC法との比較で, それぞれr=0.960, 0.815と良好な相関を示した. すなわち, 99mTc-RBC法によるT.B.V. と比較するとRISA法によるものは, 7%過大評価, 51Cr-RBC法によるものは, 23%の過少評価であり, 導中RIの血中保持率は51Cr-RBC法, 99mTc-RBC法, RISA法の順に低下していると考えられ, 現在, RISA法による循環パラメーター算出は99mTc-RBC法にても応用可能と考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | 99mTc-in vivo labeling RBC method, kinetics, Total blood volume, 51Cr-RBC, RISA |
English |
Title | In Vivo Labeling Red Blood Cell with Technetium-99m |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Daizaburo HAMANAKA, Nagara TAMAKI, Tasushi ISHII, Kotoko NAKAJIMA, Tohoru FUJITA, Kanji TORIZUKA |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Nuclear Medicine and Radiology, School of Medicine, Kyoto University |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 20 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 199-203 |
Year/Month | 1983/3 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] To use the 99mTc-RBC method for quantitative reference, we must evaluate the stability and movement of 99mTcO4- injected in man. The radio activity of RBC and Serum were counted sequentially by scintillation counter and the labeling yields in the vascular space were calculated. 18 patients were measured the total blood volume by 99mTc-RBC, RISA and 51Cr-RBC with the dilution method. 1) The radioactivity of RBC was the most highest at 30 min (111.8+-7.5%) and stable during 60 minutes. 2) Labeling yield in the vascular space was 95.5+-2.0% from 10 min to 60 min. 3) Total blood volume by 99mTc-RBC, RISA and 51Cr-RBC were measured. The correlation was 0.96 to TBV of RISA (7% overestimate) and 0.81 to that of 51Cr-RBC (23% under-estimate). Vascular retention rate of 51Cr-RBC was the highest and RISA was the lowest. 4) Comparing TBV of 51Cr-RBC, 99mTcO4- injected in man was distributed to 81% in RBC, 10% in extravascular space 5% in serum and 2% in urine. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | 99mTc-in vivo labeling RBC method, kinetics, Total blood volume, 51Cr-RBC, RISA |