Japanese |
Title | 各種心肺疾患における201Tl肺摂取率の算定 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 藤井忠重*, 平山二郎*, 金井久容*, 半田健次郎*, 草間昌三*, 矢野今朝人**, 平野浩志**, 滝沢正臣** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *信州大学医学部第一内科, **附属病院中央放射線部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 20 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 159-170 |
Year/Month | 1983/3 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」シンチカメラミニコンピュータシステムを用いて201Tlシンチグラフィーを実施し, シンチグラム上から201Tl肺集積量の定量を試みた. 1) 201Tl 2〜3 mCiの静注後, 動画像および前面像を収録する. 2) 同一位置関係の状態で肺血流シンチグラムまたはトランスミッションシンチグラムを収録する. 3) 201Tl前面像に線図形化した肺血流シンチグラムまたはトランスミッションシンチグラムを重ね合せ, 1側肺当たりの集積量 (L), 画素数 (A) を求め, さらに動画像より総投与量 (T) も求め, 肺摂取率としてL/T, L/T・Aを算出する. 健常肺, びまん性肺疾患, 心不全を有する心疾患におけるL/Tは, おのおの右肺1.5±0.9%, 3.2±1.7%, 4.0±1.6%, 左肺1.2±0.6%, 1.8±1.0%, 2.5±1.3%となり, 心疾患やびまん性間質性肺炎で高値が示された. 本法は201Tl肺集積量の定量法として利用しうると考えられる. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Tl-201, lung scintigraphy, lung uptake ratio, perfusion lung scintigram, cardiopulmonary diseases |
English |
Title | Estimation of the Lung Uptake Ratio of 201Tl in Cardiopulmonary Diseases |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Tadashige FUJII, Jiro HIRAYAMA, Hisakata KANAI, Kenjiro HANDA, Shozo KUSAMA, Kesato YANO*, Masaomi TAKIZAWA* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | The First Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Shinshu University, *Division of Radiology, Shinshu University Hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 20 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 159-170 |
Year/Month | 1983/3 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] On intravenous administration of 201TlCl (2-3mCi), the initial transit of it through the heart and lungs as well as subsequent uptake by the lung were recorded in the supine position using a scintillation camera coupling to a small digital computer. Leaving the patient in the same position the anterior image of perfusion lung scintigram with 99mTc-macroaggregated albumin or transmission scintigram with a point source of 99mTcO4- taken. The radioactivity of total injected dosage (T) was calculated from the counts of the entire region on the initial transit of the tracer bolus through the heart and lungs, and counts per each pixel (E), total counts (L) and number of pixels (A) in the unilateral lung were calculated from the anterior image of 201Tl on which the isocount map of the perfusion lung scintigram or transmission one was superimposed. By these procedures, the uptake ratio of 201Tl per unilateral lung, the mean and each uptake ratio per pixel in the unilateral lung were calculated by L/T, L/T.A and E/T. Following results were obtained; 1) The mean value of the uptake ratio of it per unilateral lung in the right and left lung, were 1.5+-0.9%, 1.2+-0.6% in healthy lung; 3.2+-1.7%, 1.8+-1.0% in diffuse pulmonary diseases and 4.0+-1.6%, 2.5+-1.3% in cardiac diseases with left heart failure, respectively. 2) In the two groups using the perfusion lung scintigram and transmission one, the mean uptake ratio per pixel and number of pixels in the unilateral lung showed significant difference, but the uptake ratio per the unilateral lung did no significant difference. 3) These techniques are seemed to be useful for quantifying the lung uptake ratio of 201Tl on the lung scintigram with 201TlCl. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Tl-201, lung scintigraphy, lung uptake ratio, perfusion lung scintigram, cardiopulmonary diseases |