Japanese |
Title | 正常人, 慢性リンパ性白血病, 悪性リンパ腫におけるIn-111-oxine標識リンパ球の臓器分布 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 松田信*, 内田立身*, 油井徳雄*, 刈米重夫* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *福島県立医科大学第一内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 19 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1497-1510 |
Year/Month | 1982/12 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」 In-111-oxine標識リンパ球を用いて, 正常人, 慢性リンパ性白血病, 悪性リンパ腫のリンパ球回転, とくに標識リンパ球の臓器分布について検討した. いずれの場合でも, 標識リンパ球は2相性の指数関数曲線にて減少し, 正常では第1相のT1/2は1時間以内, 第2相のT1/2は50.7±6.7時間であり, Tリンパ球の方がBリンパ球より寿命が長かった. また慢性リンパ性白血病では, リンパ球寿命の延長を認めた. 標識リンパ球の臓器分布では, 投与後, 肺, 脾, 肝が描出されたが, 1時間後には脾に最も強い放射能の集積が見られ, リンパ節は投与後18時間で描出されるが, Tリンパ球に限られていた. In-111-oxineを用いるリンパ球回転は, T, Bリンパ球の機能の上より動態を知ることができ, 今後, 臨床的有用性も高いものと期待される. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Lymphocyte kinetics, T lymphocyte, B lymphocyte, In-111-oxine |
English |
Title | Organ Distribution of 111In-oxine Labeled Lymphocytes in Normal Subjects and in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Malignant Lymphoma |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Shin MATSUDA, Tatsumi UCHIDA, Tokuo YUI, Shigeo KARIYONE |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | The First Department of Internal Medicine, Fukushima Medical College |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 19 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1497-1510 |
Year/Month | 1982/12 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] T and B lymphocyte survival and organ distribution were studied by using 111In-oxine labeled autologous lymphocytes in 3 normal subjects, 3 patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and 9 with malignant lymphoma (ML). Disappearance curves of the labeled lymphocytes showed two exponential components in all cases. The half time of the first component was within 1 hour in all cases. That of the second one was 50.7+-6.4 hours for all lymphocytes, 52.0+-5.5 hours for T lymphocytes and 31.6+-4.9 hours for B lymphocytes in normal subjects, 192.6 hours for T-CLL and 57.7+-46.9 hours for B-CLL, and 60.2+-30.7 hours for T cell type of malignant lymphoma (T-ML) and 63.7+-24.5 hours for B cell type of malignant lymphoma (B-ML). These data might suggest that all lymphocyte disappearance curve reflected T lymphocyte disappearance curve chiefly, and the half time of B lymphocytes was shorter than that of T lymphocytes. In the T-CLL, the half time of the second component prolonged extremely in comparison with that of normal T lymphocytes. According to the observation on the organ distribution with scintillation camera, the labeled cells were accumulated in the lungs, spleen and liver immediately after the infusion, then in the spleen most remarkably 1 hour after the infusion in all cases. The radioactivity over the bone marrow was observed from 1 hour in all cases and that of lymph nodes were first noticed 18 hours after the infusion in T-CLL and T-ML, 68 hours in B-CLL bur were not noticed in normal subjects and B-ML. The recovery of labeled cells in the blood was 28.5+-7.9% for all lymphocytes, 19.7+-1.9% for T lymphocytes and 11.0+-5.1% for B lymphocytes in normal subjects, 25.8+-1.6% for CLL, and 17.6+-11.0% for T-ML, 7.7+-5.2%, for B-ML, respectively. This technique might be useful to evaluate lymphocyte kinetics in normal subjects, CLL and ML. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Lymphocyte kinetics, T lymphocyte, B lymphocyte, In-111-oxine |