Japanese |
Title | 脳血管障害における18FDG, 13NH3, 11COによるポジトロンCTイメージングの有用性 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 宍戸文男*, 舘野之男*, 高島常夫**, 山浦晶**, 池平博夫***, 山崎統四郎*, 入江俊章*, 福士清*, 井上修*, 玉手和彦*, 鈴木和年*, 中山隆*, 飯沼武*, 田中栄一*, 栗栖明* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *放射線医学総合研究所, **千葉大学医学部, ***山梨医科大学 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 19 |
Number | 7 |
Page | 987-1000 |
Year/Month | 1982/8 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」 放医研で開発した Postologica-I と所内で製剤化した18FDG, 13NH3, 11COを用いて脳血管障害患者のPCTイメージングを行った. 正常者では18FDGと13NH3のイメージは同様なパターンを示した. 古い脳梗塞病巣では18FDG, 13NH3, XCTの3種のイメージとも同様な欠損像を示したが, 発症1か月程度以内の比較的新しい病巣ではさまざまな所見を示した. XCTにより示された異常域より 糖代謝低下域と灌流低下域がより広い範囲を示すこと, 血管支配の境界領域ではその周囲と比し, 糖代謝と灌流の低下が著しいこと, luxury perfusionの領域が示されたこと, 中大脳動脈領域の梗塞で患側の視床の糖代謝と灌流の低下が認められること, バイパス手術後の効果の判定, などがイメージとして確認することが可能であった. また動静脈奇形の症例においてもPCTイメージングが有効であった. PCTイメージングは脳血管障害患者の診断に非常に有用であることが認められた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | positron CT, F-18-fluorodeoxy-glucose, N-13-ammonia, C-11-carbonmonoxide, cerebrovascular diseases |
English |
Title | Clinical Usefulness of Positron Computed Tomographic Imaging with 18FDG, 13NH3 and 11CO in Cerebrovascular Diseases |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Fumio SHISHIDO*, Yukio TATENO*, Tsuneo TAKASHIMA**, Akira YAMAURA**, Hiroo IKEHIRA***, Toshiro YAMASAKI*, Toshiaki IRIE*, Kiyoshi FUKUSHI*, Osamu INOUE*, Kazuhiko TAMATE*, Kazutoshi SUZUKI*, Takashi NAKAYAMA*, Takeshi IINUMA*, Eiichi TANAKA*, Akira KURISU* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *National Institute of Radiological Sciences, **Chiba University School of Medicine, ***Medical University of Yamanashi |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 19 |
Number | 7 |
Page | 987-1000 |
Year/Month | 1982/8 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] Positron computed tomography (PCT) was performed with 3 volunteers and 17 patients with cerebrovascular diseases. A positron computed tomograph developed in our institute and named "POSITOLOGICA-I" was used in this study. The used radiopharmaceuticals for this study were 18F-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose solution (18FDG), 13N-ammonia solution (13NH3) and 11C-carbon-monoxide gas (11CO) as indicators of abnormalities in local cerebral glucose use, relative perfusion and blood volume, respectively. These agents were synthesized in our institute. Cerebral activity distributions in normal subject were the same as 18FDG and 13NH3 images. There were defects of same size in the old infarcted area among 18FDG, 13NH3 and X-ray CT (XCT) images. On the contrary relatively early lesions within about one month after onset had various accumulation patterns. The case with early cerebral infarct showed more extensive lesion indicated by 18FDG and 13NH3 images than XCT images. There was remarkable decrease of glucose utilization and perfusion within the lesion of watershed area of cerebral arteries. The area of increased perfusion and low glucose use was clearly shown within early infarctions by 18FDG and 13NH3 PCT imaging. The Cases with broad infarct in the distributions of middle cerebral artery had less uptake in ipsilateral thalamus of 18FDG and 13NH3 than that of contralateral tharamus. 18FGD and 13NH3 PCT images were useful for evaluating effects of STA-MCA anastomosis. PCT imaging using 13NH3 and 11CO had also usefulness in diagnosing as arterio-venous malformation. The PCT method with 18FDG, 13NH3 and 11CO should be useful in diagnosing as cerebrovascular disease and in defining the location and extent of altered brain in cerebral metabolic and circulatory conditions in vivo. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | positron CT, F-18-fluorodeoxy-glucose, N-13-ammonia, C-11-carbonmonoxide, cerebrovascular diseases |