Japanese |
Title | 心プールイメージングによる, 虚血性心疾患における各種Systolic Phase Indexの評価 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 成田充啓*, 栗原正*, 村野謙一*, 宇佐美暢久*, 本田稔**, 金尾啓右** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *住友病院内科, **アイソトープ室 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 19 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 409-417 |
Year/Month | 1982/4 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」99mTc心プールイメージングを安静時に, 健常14例, 冠動脈疾患(CAD)47例で行い, 各種systolic phase indexのCAD診断における有用性を検討した. Systolic phase indexとしては, 左室駆出率(EF)のほかに, mean normalized systloic ejection rate, first third ejection fraction, 左室peak ejection rateを左室拡張終期容積または, その時点での左室容積でnormalizeしたSdV/dt/EDV, SdV/dt/Vの4者を求めた. いずれのindexもEFと良好な相関を示し, 再現性も良好であった. CADは, EF正常で左室壁運動正常のGroup I(n-16)と, EFの低下または壁運動異常のあるGroup II(n=31)に2群に分けた. いずれのindexも健常群とGroup IIを区別しえたが, 健常群とGroup Iを区別し得たのはSdV/dt/Vのみで, SdV/dt/V<4.00 sec-1を異常値とすることで, CADの91%(Group IIの100%, Group Iの75%)でCADの存在が示唆され, 運動負荷時心プールイメージングよりは, やや精度が劣るものの, CADの診断上有用な指標であると考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | systolic phase index, ejection fraction, peak ejection rate, multi-gated blood pool imaging. |
English |
Title | Assessment of Various Systolic Phase indexes for the Detection of Coronary Artery Disease by Multi - Gated Blood Pool Imaging at Rest |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Michihiro NARITA*, Tadashi KURIHARA*, Kenichi MURANO*, Masahisa USAMI*, Minoru HONDA**, Keisuke KANAO** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Medicine, Sumitomo Hospital, **Devision of Nuclear Medicine, Sumitomo Hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 19 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 409-417 |
Year/Month | 1982/4 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | The purpose of this study is to obtain the useful systolic phase index to detect coronary artery disease(CAD). After Tc-99m was labeled with red blood cells in vivo, multi-gated blood pool imaging(MGBPI) was obtained at anterior and 40-degree left anterior oblique(LAO)position at rest. In addition to left ventricular(LV)ejection fraction(EF)and wall motion(WM)abnormality, first-third EF, mean normalized systolic ejection rate, SdV/dt/EDV(LV peak ejection rate normalized by end-diastolic volume)and SdV/dt/V(peak ejection rate normalized by LV volume at the peak ejection)were calculated. Patients were divided into 3 groups; Normal(n=14), CAD with normal EF(>=55%)and normal WM(Group I, n=16), and CAD with abnormal EF and/or WM abnormality(Group II, n=31). All patients with CAD showed more than 75%reduction in luminal diameter of at least one of major coronary artery. In all subjects of Normal and 13 patients of Group I, graded supine exercise stress MGBPI was performed at LAO position by using bicycle ergometer. All systolic phase indexes were correlated well with EF(r>=0.77, p<0.01)and their reproducibility was excellent. All systolic phase indexes could differentiate Normal and Group II, but they could not separate Normal and Group I except for SdV/dt/V(Normal; 4.79+-0.74, Group I; 3.92+-0.42, Group II; 2.43+-0.78 sec-1, p<0.01). By using Sdv/dt/v<4.00 sec-1 as a criteria of CAD, sensitivity of this index was 91%(100% in group and 75% in Group I). This sensitivity in Group I was identical with that of exercise stress MGBPI. Specificity of SdV/dt/V(86%)was a little inferior to that of exercise stress MGBPI(93%), but it was not Statistically significant. In conclusion, SdV/dt/V is a useful systolic phase index to detect CAD and by using this index we could differentiate patients with CAD with normal EF and normal WM from normal subjects. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | systolic phase index, ejection fraction, peak ejection rate, multi-gated blood pool imaging. |