Japanese |
Title | 脳梗塞病巣への18FDGおよび13NH3の集積 - 多発性脳梗塞患者のポジトロンCTイメージング - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 宍戸文男*, 舘野之男*, 高島常夫**, 山浦晶**, 池平博夫**, 田町誓一**, 入江俊章*, 山崎統四郎*, 福士清*, 井上修*, 玉手和彦*, 飯沼武*, 須田善雄*, 遠藤真広*, 田中栄一*, 富谷武浩*, 栗栖明* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *放射線医学総合研究所, **千葉大学医学部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 19 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 217-222 |
Year/Month | 1982/3 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」18FDG, 13NH3を用いて多発性脳梗塞患者のポジトロンCTイメージングを行った. 発症約2か月後と思われる病巣では, 18FDG, 13NH3, XCTの3種のイメージとも境界明瞭な欠損像を示した. 発症約1か月後の病巣で, 前大脳動脈と中大脳動脈の境界領域は特に糖代謝, 灌流とも著しい低下を示した. 椎骨脳底動脈系の異常はないと考えられたにもかかわらず内頸動脈領域の広範囲な梗塞の存在する右半球の視床の18Fの集積が低下していた. 13Nの集積はほぼ正常であった. 発作約1か月後の病巣内で, 13Nの集積の増加している部位では18Fの集積の低下の有無にかかわらず, XCTで造影増強効果が認められた. 以上のように18FDG, 13NH3を用いたポジトロンCTイメージングを行い, 18F, 13Nの集積の様式を知ることは, 脳梗塞の局所糖代謝, 局所灌流の状態を推測する手段として有用と考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Positron computed tomography, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose, 13N-ammonia, Multiple cerebral infarctions. |
English |
Title | Accumulation Pattern of Ischemic Brain Lesions with 18FDG and 13NH3 : Positron CT Imaging of a Case with Multiple Cerebral Infarctions |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Fumio SHISHIDO*, Yukio TATENO*, Tsuneo TAKASHIMA**, Akira YAMAURA**, Hiroo IKEHIRA**, Seiichi TAMACHI**, Toshiaki IRIE*, Toshiro YAMASAKI*, Kiyoshi FUKUSHI*, Osamu INOUE*, Kazuhiko TAMATE*, Takeshi IINUMA*, Yoshio SUDA*, Masahiro ENDO*, Eiichi TANAKA*, Takehiro TOMITANI*, Akira KURISU* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *National Institute of Radiological Sciences, **Chiba University School of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 19 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 217-222 |
Year/Month | 1982/3 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | Positron emission computed tomography with Positologica-I was performed to 40-year-old man with multiple cerebral infarctions using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose(18FDG)and 13N-ammonia(13NH3)as indicators of local glucose utilization and relative perfusion, respectively. In the old infarcted focus about 2 months after the first onset, all images of 18FDG, 13NH3 and X-ray CT(XCT)were shown as a complete defect with clear margins. Watershed area between anterior cerebral artery and middle cerebral artery had a severe decreased uptake with both of 18FDG and 13NH3 about one month after the second onset. Although there is no abnormal changes of the posterior cerebral circulation in the ipsilateral hemisphere, thalamic uptake of 18FDG was decreased and that of 13NH3 was normal on the ipsilateral hemisphere. The lesions increased with 13N activity appeared positive contrast enhancement by XCT, though 18F activity was normal or slightly decreased in the same lesions. From these preliminary results, positron computed tomography following injection of 18FDG and 13NH3 should aid in estimating the condition of altered brain about glucose utilization and perfusion after stroke. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Positron computed tomography, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose, 13N-ammonia, Multiple cerebral infarctions. |