Japanese |
Title | 閉塞性動脈疾患におけるRI末梢アンジオグラフィの診断能評価 - カテーテルによる動脈造影法との比較 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 林田孝平*, 西村恒彦*, 植原敏勇*, 山口敏雄*, 菅原徹雄*, 小塚隆弘*, 足立郁夫**, 中島伸之**, 中山龍*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *国立循環器病センター放射線診療部, **外科, ***内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 19 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 29-37 |
Year/Month | 1982/2 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」閉塞性動脈疾患(53例)にRI末梢アンジオを施行し, 診断能評価のため動脈造影所見と比較した. (i)画像診断: 動脈造影狭窄度50%で一致率32.3%, 見逃し率38.7%; 75%で一致率47.1%, 見逃し率5.8%; 90%以上で一致率76.7%. 見逃し率3.3%であった. 副側血行路の発達良好例に, 見逃しがあった. (ii)数量的狭窄度判定: 心・肺系の影響を除いたsubtracted M. T. T. 値は, 動脈造影25%以下狭窄(正常)で, 1.26±0.84秒, 50%狭窄で2.45±1.27秒, 75%狭窄で3.64±1.38秒, 90%以上狭窄で4.62±1.99秒と狭窄度をよく反映していた. RI末梢アンジオによる画像診断および数量的狭窄度判定の動脈狭窄の診断能は高く, また非観血的であり, 間歇性跛行を主訴とする患者に対し, 本法はfirst choiceの臨床検査として用いられるべきである. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | radionuclide angiography, arterial occulusive disease, subtracted mode of transit time, contrast arteriography |
English |
Title | Study on Evaluation of Arterial Occulusive Disease by Radionuclide Peripheral Angiography |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Kohei HAYASHIDA*, Tsunehiko NISHIMURA*, Toshiisa UEHARA*, Toshio YAMAGUCHI*, Tetsuo SUGAHARA*, Takahiro KOZUKA*, Ikuo ADACHI**, Nobuyuki NAKAJIMA**, Ryu NAKAYAMA*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Diagnostic Radiology, **Department of Surgery, ***Department of Internal Medicine, National Cardiovascular Center |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 19 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 29-37 |
Year/Month | 1982/2 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | Radionuclide peripheral angiography(RPA)has been used to assess arterial stenosis in pelvic region. This study was done to evaluate the diagnostic usefulness of RPA, comparing findings of RPA with those of subsequent contrast angiography(CA)in 53 cases of arterial occulusive disease. The findings of RPA resulted from first pass images, an equilibrium image by in vivo 99mTc-RBC labeling and quantitative analysis by subtracted mode of transit time(subtracted M. T. T. ). The following results were obtained. 1)The first pass method of RPA was very useful for assessment of arterial stenosis except in cases of arterial stenosis with profound collaterals. Rate of accord and rate of mistake by RPA were recorded, respectively: 32.3% and 38.7% for 50% stenosis by CA, 47.1% and 5.8% for 75% stenosis by CA, 76.7% and 3.3% for more than 90% stenosis by CA. 2)An equilibrium method of RPA was useful for assessment of abdominal aorta but useless for that of arterial stenosis. 3)Quantitative analysis of RPA was useful to a large extent. The mean value of subtracted M. T. T. was 1.26+-0.84 sec. for less than 25% stenosis by CA, 2.45+-1.27 sec. for 50% stenosis by CA, 3.64+-1.38 sec. for 75% stenosis by CA and 4.62+-1.99sec. for more than 90% stenosis by CA. The RPA by first pass method and quantitative analysis was very useful for evaluation of arterial stenosis. The noninvasive RPA should be taken as first choice for those who complain of intermittent claudication. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | radionuclide angiography, arterial occulusive disease, subtracted mode of transit time, contrast arteriography |