Japanese |
Title | 心拍同期心プール像の位相解析による局所心筋壁運動の評価 |
Subtitle | 短報 |
Authors | 向井孝夫*, 玉木長良*, 石井靖*, 山本和高*, 湊小太郎*, 藤田透*, 鳥塚莞爾* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *京都大学医学部放射線核医学科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 18 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 609-612 |
Year/Month | 1981/6 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「I. 緒言」心プールの心電図同期像の測定は心ポンプ機能を抽出する上に非常に有用であるが, Adamらはこれにフーリエ解析を適用して, 心容量曲線の周期特性, すなわち波の振幅, および位相のずれを局所的に表現する, いわゆる位相解析 (phase analysis) を試みた. その周期的特性の局所的変動は刺激伝導障害の検出に有効であるという報告もあるが, 我々は心収縮機能の不均等分布, すなわち, 局所壁運動異常を検討する上で有効であると考え, 同方法により振幅, 位相の分布像および, 位相分布のヒストグラムを作成して定量評価の対象とした. 「II. 方法」心電図同期心プール像は汎用コリメータを装着したガンマカメラ (LFOV, Siemens社) をLAO 45度から照準し, ズームアップモード (拡大率約√2倍) にて計算機 (PDP-11/60, DEC社) に収集した. 収集法は99mTc-RBCの20mCi投与による1心拍を25フレームに分割した300〜500心拍の加算である. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Temporal Fourier analysis, Gated blood pool study, Regional wall motion |
English |
Title | Evaluation of Regional Wall Motion Using Phase Analysis of Gated Blood Pool Study |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Takao MUKAI, Nagara TAMAKI, Yasushi ISHII, Kazutaka YAMAMOTO, Kotaro MINATO, Toru FUJITA, Kanji TORIZUKA |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Depertment of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto University Medical School |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 18 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 609-612 |
Year/Month | 1981/6 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | [Summary] By submitting an equilibrium gated blood pool study to a pixel by pixel temporal Fourier analysis, two functional images were obtained of the phase of the first Fourier component. We have applied these images to the evaluation of regional wall motion abnormalities in ischemic heart disease. In an attempt to evaluate them quantitatively, we have constructed a histogram with phase in radian versus activity-weighted pixel In normal persons, the phase image indicated almost synchronous contraction of the left ventricle with a narrow peak in their histogram. On the contrary, in the cases of myocardial infarction, their phase image indicated asynchronous contraction with broader peak in their histogram. Furthermore, the phase image could detect not only in the perimetric regions but also in the "en face" regions of the left ventricle. In conclusion, our study indicates that temporal Fourier analysis allows us to detect regional wall motion abnormalities as well as to estimate them quantitatively. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Temporal Fourier analysis, Gated blood pool study, Regional wall motion |