Japanese |
Title | エロソール吸入肺スキャンに用いるエロソールの粒度分布測定と粒度分布の肺内沈着パターンに及ぼす影響 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 手島建夫*, 井沢豊春*, 平野富男*, 蝦名昭男*, 今野淳* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *東北大学抗酸菌病研究所内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 18 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 449-454 |
Year/Month | 1981/5 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | <要旨> エロソール吸入肺スキャンで沈着像に影響を与える主な物理的因子は, エロソールの粒度分布およびキャリアガスの種類である. われわれは臨床検査時に使用している超音波ネブライザーエロソール発生装置に関し, 次の三条件を設定して, カスケードインパクターを用いて粒度分布を測定し, 放射能(重量)中央径dm, 幾何標準偏差値σgを求めた. dm, σgはそれぞれ(1)リザバーなし, キャリアガス空気 ; 4.18μ, 1.76. (2)リザバーあり, キャリアガス空気 ; 3.73μ, 1.73. (3)リザバーあり, 80%He, 20%O2混合ガス ; 2.76μ, 1.82であった. 正常人のエロソール吸入スキャン像は, リザバーなし, キャリアガスが空気の条件ではいわゆるcentral patternに類似した沈着像を呈し, 大気道の沈着量が相対的に増加し, 大気道の線毛浄化作用の観察等の応用が考えられた. リザバーあり, He-O2混合ガスの条件は最も均一な沈着像を呈し, 肺の換気面での情報を得るのに適していた. リザバーあり, 空気の条件は前二者の中間に属する沈着像を示し, ルーチン検査として適当と思われた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Aerosol Inhalation Lung images, Ultrasonic Aerosol Generator, Aerosol Size, Cascade Impactor, Carrier Gas |
English |
Title | Measurement of Aerosol Size and its Effect on Inhaled Aerosol Deposition Patterns in the Lungs |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Takeo TESHIMA, Toyoharu ISAWA, Tomio HIRANO, Akio EBINA, Kiyoshi KONNO |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Medicine, The Research Institute For Chest Diseases and Cancer, Tohoku University |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 18 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 449-454 |
Year/Month | 1981/5 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] Physical parameters influencing deposition patterns of inhaled aerosol in the lungs are the size distribution of inhaled aerosol and the carrier gas which transports aerosol into the lungs. We measured median diameter(dm)of ultrasonically generated aerosol in terms of radioactivity(weight)and its geometric standard deviation(σg)by using a cascade impactor under the following three different clinically simulated conditions ; 1)without a reservoir in place between the aerosol generator and a mouth piece, and with air as a carrier gas, 2)with a reservoir, and with air as a carrier gas and 3)with a reservoir, and with a mixture of 80% helium(He)and 20% oxygen(O2)as a carrier gas. Median diameters and geometric standard deviations were 4.18micron and 1.76, 3.73micron and 1.73 and 2.76micron and 1.82, respectively. Inhaled aerosol generated without a reservoir and with air as a carrier gas tended to deposit on the major airways, revealing the so-called "central pattern" -like deposition patterns, and was considered to be useful for the study of mucociliary clearance mechanism in the lungs, whereas that generated with a reservoir in place, and with a mixture of 80% He and 20% O2 as a carrier gas deposited most evenly in the lung periphery, and it was suited to the study of ventilation in the lungs. Aerosol generated with a reservoir in place and with air as a carrier gas, however, showed more or less an in-between deposition pattern and was suited to use in the routine clinical aerosol inhalation lung imaging. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Aerosol Inhalation Lung images, Ultrasonic Aerosol Generator, Aerosol Size, Cascade Impactor, Carrier Gas |