Japanese |
Title | 99mTc-diethyl-IDAによる肝機能検査の検討 - 肝摂取率および肝排泄率 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 児玉行弘*, 仙田宏平*, 佐々木常雄*, 三島厚*, 松原一仁*, 小林英敏*, 改井修*, 真下伸一*, 石口恒男*, 大鹿智*, 岡江俊治*, 小原健*, 佐久間貞行* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *名古屋大学医学部放射線医学教室 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 18 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 175-181 |
Year/Month | 1981/3 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」肝機能正常4例および各種肝胆道疾患28例の99mTc-diethyl-IDAによる肝時間-放射能曲線を作成し, 肝摂取率 (Ku値) および肝排泄率 (Ke値) を求めた. 次に, これらの値と生化学的肝機能データとの相関を調べ, 本製剤による肝時間-放射能曲線の定量的評価について検討した. 正常例群におけるKu値およびKe値は, それぞれ, 平均が23.4%/min, 3.3%/min, 標準偏差が3.4%/min, 0.6%/minであり, 従来の製剤から得られた値よりも高値を示した. このことより, 本製剤の肝における代謝は非常に速いと推測した. Ku値およびKe値と生化学的肝機能データとの相関を調べたところ, Ku値がALPと, またKe値がALP, 総ビリルビンおよび直接ビリルビンと有意 (p<0.01) に相関することを認めた. 従って, 肝時間-放射能曲線の定量的評価は, 閉塞性肝疾患を中心とした肝機能診断に有用であると考えた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | 99mTc-diethyl-IDA, Hepatobiliary study, Hepatic time-activity curve, The liver uptake rate (Ku) and excretion rate (Ke) |
English |
Title | Study of Liver Function Test with 99mTc-Diethyl Iminodiacetic Acid - Liver Uptake and Excretion Rate - |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Yukihiro KODAMA, Kouhei SENDA, Tsuneo SASAKI, Atsushi MISHIMA, Kazuhito MATSUBARA, Hidetoshi KOBAYASHI, Osamu KAII, Shinichi MASHITA, Tsuneo ISHIGUCHI, Satoru OHSHIKA, Shunji OKAE, Ken OHARA, Sadayuki SAKUMA |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Radiology, Nagoya University School of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 18 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 175-181 |
Year/Month | 1981/3 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] The liver uptake rate (Ku) and excretion rate (Ke) of 99mTc-diethyl iminodiacetic acid determined from hepatic time-activity curve were studied in 4 cases with normal liver function and 28 cases with various hepatobiliary diseases and were compared with blood chemistry data. Mean Ku and Ke in 4 control subjects were 23.4%/min. and 3.4%/min. respectively. The comparison between Ku or Ke and blood chemistry data revealed significant statistical correlations between Ku and specific activity of serum alkaline phosphatase and between Ke and total as well as direct bilirubin levels, (p<0.01) . It was concluded that this agent was transported through the liver rapidly than other hepatobiliary agents and that it was useful as a quantitative liver function test agent in the obstructive liver diseases. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | 99mTc-diethyl-IDA, Hepatobiliary study, Hepatic time-activity curve, The liver uptake rate (Ku) and excretion rate (Ke) |