Japanese |
Title | 劇症肝炎の肝シンチ |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 玉木長良*, 石原隆*, 森徹*, 小森英司*, 藤堂彰男*, 北浦保智*, 大城徳成**, 森本義人**, 伊藤秀臣**, 尾藤早苗** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *神戸中央市民病院内科, **神戸中央市民病院RI検査部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 17 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 305-310 |
Year/Month | 1980/4 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」劇症肝炎の発症2週間以内の肝シンチを5例について施行し, 正常人, 急性肝炎, 肝硬変と比較検討した. 肝はやや萎縮傾向がみられ, 急性肝炎とは明らかな有意差を認めるが, 正常人との差は見い出せなかった. 左葉腫大はなく肝のとり込みも良好で分布も大半がほぼ均一であり, 意識障害を伴う慢性肝障害との鑑別は可能であった. また, 1症例の経過を5回の肝シンチで追い, 発症16日目まで肝の萎縮が進行し, 1か月後から再腫大するのをとらえることができた. 次に肝の大きさや形態を示すパラメーターを作成した. 再現性は比較的良く, 本疾患と他疾患との分離や症例の経過観察の上でも有用な指標であることが判明した. 本症の早期の肝シンチにより, 肝萎縮の程度を推測することは可能と考えられた. しかし, 萎縮の程度は時期による変化が大きく, 本症の予後推定を1枚の肝シンチから判断するのは困難であり, さらに検討を重ねる必要があると思われた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | 99mTc-phytate, liver scintigraphy, fulminant hepatitis, indices of liver scintigraphy |
English |
Title | Liver Scintigraphy of Fulminant Hepatitis |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Nagara TAMAKI*, Takashi ISHIHARA*, Toru MORI*, Eiji KOMORI*, Akio TODO*, Yasutomo KITAURA*, Norishige OSHIRO**, Yoshito MORIMOTO**, Hidetomi ITO**, Sanae BITO** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Internal Medicine, Kobe Central Municipal Hospital, **Department of Clinical Pathology, Kobe Central Municipal Hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 17 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 305-310 |
Year/Month | 1980/4 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] The liver scintigraphies of five patients with fulminant hepatitis were examined. Scintiphotos using 99mTc-phytate were taken within two weeks after the onset. Scintiphotos of 12 normal subjects, 11 cases with acute hepatitis, 17 cases with liver cirrhosis were served as control. Their scintiphotos showed reduction of the size, well-maintained uptake, mostly homogenous RI distribution, and no left lobe enlargement, which could differentiate them from the chronic liver dysfunction. In one of the cases chronological changes in liver scintigraphy were observed. The size of the liver was reduced progressively until the 16th day and re-enlarged at the 30th day and thereafter. Three indices [S/W, (R+L) /W, and L/R] were calculated. S: area of liver, R or L: longitudinal length of the right or left lobe, W: body width. Relative size of the liver expressed by S/W or (R+L) /W showed significant reduction in fulminant hepatitis compared with acute hepatitis. However, they were not different significantly from those of normal subjects. Except for liver cirrhosis, L/R (left lobe swelling index) did not show significant differences among fulminant hepatitis, normal subjects, and acute hepatitis. These indices were also useful in follow-up study of the liver scintigraphy. The liver scintigraphy in the early phase of fulminant hepatitis seems to reflect the degree of massive hepatic necrosis. It is also useful to differentiate chronic hepatic failure. Apparant reduction in scintigraphical liver size seems to suggest poor prognosis, however, it should also kept in mind that the size of the liver in this condition might change quite rapidly and greatly. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | 99mTc-phytate, liver scintigraphy, fulminant hepatitis, indices of liver scintigraphy |