English |
Title | Processing Data from Scintillation Camera Using a Minicomputer - A Study of the Heart Scintigram Functional Image Using an ECG-Gate - |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Takeo HASEGAWA*, Kiyoshi AKAGI*, Hiroshi HASHIBA*, Akitoshi KOBAYASHI*, Magoichi MATSUDA*, Tsukasa SHIMOGAMA** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Radiology, Kansai Medical University, **System Engineering, Toshiba Medical Co. |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 17 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 285-296 |
Year/Month | 1980/4 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Abstract] There has been much progress in minicomputers in recent years, allowing extensive analysis of the RI image using scintillation camera. Using a TOSBAC-10E (HOSPICON-600: Toshiba) , Anger-type scintillation camera and LAB system (Toshiba) , we conducted a functional image analysis of the heart and RI image processing with this study. Taking patients who came for RI examinations as subjects, Tc-99m (10-20 mCi) was rapidly injected by bolus through the anticubital vein. Data from the scintillation camera was processed by the minicomputer and collected in list mode from the time of injection in intervals ranging from 10 to 100 msec. A sample interval was selected by use of ECG gating. The gate is triggered after an arbitrary time lag following the detection of the R-wave, and the ECG wave was stored together with the image data in a magnetic disk. When the image was reproduced, it was displayed together with its corresponding ECG wave on the CRT. Further processing of the reproduced image was easily accomplished using the minicomputer. The possible types of such processing and derivable information include the following: ROI (region of interest) designation and the functional curve display of the ROI, superimposing images, stroke volume calculation, heart wall movement display, level cutting, smoothing, oblique display, and profile display. The following is a report on the results of a functional analysis of the heart using the software mentioned above. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Minicomputer, List Mode, RI Image, ECG-Gate |
Japanese |
Title | 小型電算機によるγ-Camera Data処理 - ECG-Gateによる心臓Scintigram動態機能に関する研究 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 長谷川武夫*, 赤木清*, 羽柴広*, 小林昭智*, 松田孫一*, 下釜司** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *関西医科大学放射線科, **東芝メディカル株式会社システム技術科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 17 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 285-296 |
Year/Month | 1980/4 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」われわれはAnger-type γ-Camera (GCA-202:Toshiba) とTosbac-10E (Hospicon-600:Toshiba) の組み合わせによる心電同期の心動態機能解析のSoftwareの開発を行なったので, その機能, 性質について報告する. この方法は, DataをList Modeにより10 msecから100 msecの任意の間隔で収集を行ない, 同期して他の生体現象波の集収を行なう. 従って同一CRT上にRI画像と同期した生体現象を同時に表示し得るので, 臨床上有用である. また, この方法のDeadtimeは40μsecであり, 従来の方法より大幅にdeadtimeを軽減できた. そのほか, 種々の画像解析機能 (ROI設定によるIO, IG Courveの作成, Level Cut, Smoothing, Oblique表示, Profil表示, 像の重ね合わせ) も臨床上有用であった. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Minicomputer, List Mode, RI Image, ECG-Gate |