Japanese |
Title | 心RIアンジオグラフィによる左室駆出分画 (EF) の精度に関する検討 (II) - MUGA法について - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 西村恒彦*, 香川雅昭*, 今井行雄*, 林真*, 小塚隆弘* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *国立循環器病センター放診部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 17 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 269-276 |
Year/Month | 1980/4 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」 シンチカメラとオンラインで接続したミニコンピュータシステムを用いて, MUGA法による心RIアンジオグラフィを施行した. データ収集はR波をトリガーとして64×64マトリックスにてR-R間隔を20等分し, かつ500〜1,500心拍加算によるイメージモードで行なった. 左室駆出分画 (EF) の算出は, 得られた左室容積曲線においてEF=EDV-ESV/EDV (カウント数) から求めた. EFの精度に関しては, データ収集時におけるマトリックスサイズ, 分割フレーム数, ゲート時の許容誤差, データ処理時における左心室, バックグラウンドの関心領域の設定などについて検討した. MUGA法によるEFは心カテーテル検査を施行している50症例にてr=0.902とよく相関した. このことはMUGA法によるEFの算出は左心機能の測定が精度高く行なえ, ルーチンワークに供する上で, wall motionの観察と併せ有用なことが認められた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Ejection fraction, MUGA method, Contrast X-ray method |
English |
Title | Evaluation of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction by Multi-gated Radionuclide Cardioangiography |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Tsunehiko NISHIMURA, Masaaki KAGAWA, Yukio IMAI, Makoto HAYASHI, Takahiro KOZUKA |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Diagnostic Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 17 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 269-276 |
Year/Month | 1980/4 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] A noninvasive, radionuclide, blood-pool imaging technique (multi-gated method) has been developed using a scintillation camera and on-line mini-computer system. In this study, the accuracy and validity of this MUGA method were examined in the fifty patients with cardiac catheterization. After 99mTc-HSA was injected intravenously, at the equibilirium stage, the scintillation data were stored in frame modes, in computer core memory using R-wave synchronizing phase, such that each of sequential image represented R-R/20 sec segments of the cardiac cycles summed over several hundred cycles. The ejection fraction was calculated by the formula; (EDV-ESV) /EDV counts from the left ventricular curve. The results correlated well with those obtained by biplane cineangiography in various cardiovascular diseases (r=0.902) and moreover, between the same patients with MUGA method and first pass method good correlation of the ejection fraction (r=0.82) was obtained. The findings, however, demonstrated that the region of left ventricle must be determined precisely and must be excluded the aortic vulvular areas as background in order to accurate calculation of the ejection fraction. For the data collection, matrix size, number of frames, gate tolerance must be determined precisely to obtain high resolution gated scintigtaphy as MUGA method. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate the validity of this technique in the atraumatic qualification of ventricular functions and suggest its usefullness in a variety of clinical conditions. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Ejection fraction, MUGA method, Contrast X-ray method |