Japanese |
Title | 短寿命心筋標識核種の検討 - 13NH4Clを中心とした基礎的検討 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 力武知之*, 舘野之男*, 山根昭子*, 松本徹*, 梅垣洋一郎* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *放射線医学総合研究所臨床研究部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 15 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 69-77 |
Year/Month | 1978/2 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「I. 緒言」放射性核種による心筋の標識は従来131CsなどIA族の元素を中心に試みられてきた. 最近ではサイクロトロン生産の核種の1つとしてカリウムと同様機序をとるといわれるIIIA族の201Tlによるイメージングの報告が多い. サイクロトロン生産核種にはさらに寿命の短い心筋標識核種があり, 81Rb, 43Kの他に13N標識アンモニアもこれに属する. 放医研では医療施設内サイクロトロンにより生産される超短寿命核種の開発研究を行なっているが, その研究の一環としてこれら超短寿命心筋標識核種を中心として心筋イメージングに関する基礎的研究を行なった. さらに43Kおよび13NH4Clを家兎に投与して, イメージを作製し, 標識臓器についてダイナミックスタディを行なった. このイメージングには43Kにはシンチスキャンナーを用い, 13NH4Clには対向型のポジトロンカメラを用いた.「II. 材料, 装置および方法」(1) 放射性核種 - [カリウム] 放医研サイクロトロンによりα粒子を加速し, アルゴンガスをターゲットとした40Ar (α, p) 43K反応によって作製した43Kを洗い出した. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | Short - lived cyclotron produced radionuclides evaluation on the myocardial imaging agents - Fundamental studies on the 13N-labeled ammonia - |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Tomoyuki RIKITAKE, Yukio TATENO, Akiko YAMANE, Touru MATSUMOTO, Youichiro UMEGAKl |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Clinical Reserch Division, National Institute of Radiological Sciences |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 15 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 69-77 |
Year/Month | 1978/2 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] Recently cyclotron produced short-lived radio-nuclides are used for myocardial imaging, typically as 201Tl. Four cyclotron produced radionuclides : 13N-ammonia, 43K, 86Rb and 201Tl are evaluated as myocardial imaging agents. Organ uptake after venous administration of 13N-ammonia, 43K, 86Rb, 201Tl and after rectal administration of 13N-ammonia was studied. Each nuclides highly ac-cumulated in myocardium after intravenous injection, but rectal administrated 13N-ammonia did not show this tendency. Intravenously injected 13N-ammonia showed very early myocardial uptake and early secretion from kidney. Rectal administrated 13N-ammonia was less accumulated in myocardium. 43KCl and 13NH4Cl were injected intravenously and administrated from the rectum to the rabbits under imaging scintilator system. Whole-body scintiscanner with display-prosessing unit was used for a 43KCl injected rabbit. A positroncamera with computer system (TOSBAC 3400 on line system) was used for 13NH4Cl (i.v. and rectal ad.) rabbits. The dynamic studies of 43KCl, 13NH4Cl were made from these imaging data. The countratio of heart to the liver after 43K injection was nearly equal or less than the liver. The peakcount was at 15 min after 13NH4Cl intravenous injection. 13N accumulated promptly at upper mediastinal part and kidney, and soon disappeared from these part. Uptake of the heat was high and that of the liver was low. When 13NH4Cl was administrated from the rectum, 13N trapped at the liver, and uptake of the heart was very low lebel. Scintiscanning after 13KCl intravenously injected, did not show the high resolution. Rabbit heart was distinguishable from the liver, but there are no visibility of the detail. Seeing positron-scintigram after 13NH4Cl administration both from intravenously and from rectum, the detail was well visible. We concluded the positron scintigram after 13NH4Cl injection should be a good myocardial imaging agent. Furthermore, 13NH4Cl has two eminent characters as a myocardial imaging agent comparing 201TlCl. One is prompt making of image, the other is the very low radiation dose. The chemical form of the 13N at the time of myocardial uptake is not known, but that is not urea, glutamic acid, nor glutamine. Probably 13N-chemical form is ammonia, glutamic acid or amine such as asparaginenic acid and asparagine. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |