Japanese |
Title | 塩化タリウム - 201Tl - その体内挙動に関する基礎的ならびに臨床的検討 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 鈴木雅紹*, 森川正浩*, 富田一穂**, 吉田章**, 周防正行**, 松嶋裕明***, 加藤真***, 上田信夫***, 山田英夫****, 葉杖正昭*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *兵庫県立尼崎病院 研究検査部アイソトープ室, **兵庫県立尼崎病院 内科, ***日本メジフィジックス株式会社 技術部, ****日本メジフィジックス株式会社 学術部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 15 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 27-40 |
Year/Month | 1978/2 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「緒言」タリウムは, 周期律表IIIAに属する金属であるが, 1価のイオンの場合, カリウムなどIAに属するイオンと類似した生体内挙動をとることが知られている. その理由としてタリウムがカリウムなどと同様にpyruvate kinaseを活性化し, Na-K ATPase系の活性化に関与して来るためと考えられている. またMullinsらは, 筋肉細胞膜における透過性をイオン半径の面から論じて, 1価のタリウムがカリウムなどと同様の体内挙動を示す理由の1つとして挙げている. Table 1に1価および3価のタリウムイオンのイオン半径をアルカリ金属 (IA族) イオン半径と比較して示した. このような理由から, Kawanaらがタリウムの心筋スキャン剤としての有用性を初めて提唱し, 続いてLebowitzらによって放射性タリウム同位体として201Tlが臨床的に導入されるに至って, タリウム-201は, その優れた物理的性質とあいまって, 臨床的にも高く評価され, 現在最も注目を集めている心筋スキャン用の核種である. 著者らは医用201Tlの製造法などについて検討し報告したが, 今回は同法により製造された塩化タリウム-201Tl注射液について, ラットにおける体内挙動を長時間にわたって追跡すると共に, 代謝産物の検索など基礎的な検討を行なった. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | Thallous Chloride - 201Tl - Fundamental Studies on its Biological Behevior and Clinical Evaluation |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Masatsugu SUZUKI*, Masahiro MORIKAWA*, Kazuo TOMITA**, Akira YOSHIDA**, Masayuki SUWO**, Hiroaki MATSUSHIMA***, Makoto KATO***, Nobuo UEDA***, Hideo YAMADA****, Masaaki HAZUE*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Clinical Pathology (Radioisotope Laboratory) Kenritsu Amagasaki Hospital, **Department of Internal Medicine, Kenritsu Amagasaki Hospital, ***Nihon Medi-Physics Co., Ltd. |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 15 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 27-40 |
Year/Month | 1978/2 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] Biological behavior of Tl-201 in rat and man was studied for evaluation of its myocardial imaging properties, and the MIRD method was used to calculate dose. Metabolites in urine of rats and patient and water soluble component of rat feces were chromatographically examined. Scintiphotographic images obtained from 30 patients were evaluated from the diagnostic point of view in comparison with the diagnosis obtained from ECG. Results and conclusions were : 1) In rat, organ uptakes were observed in gut, kidney and liver, with the highest radioactivity concentration being observed in the heart (myocardium) . Blood clearance and clearance from the heart changed with time showing a simillar pattern to each other, the concentration in the heart, however, was always higher than that of the blood. Within 72 hrs, 15% and 32% of administered dose were excreted in urine and feces, respectively. 2) From the clinical data, a slower activity clearance was observed in the heart when compared to the right lung region. Half-life for blood clearance at the initial stage was calculated to be 1 to 2 min. A possibility of clear myocardial imaging for a considerably long time after injection was suggested from the results obtained by body surface counting and blood clearance. Fecal excretion was predominant and in 72 hrs, 14% of administered dose were excreted. 3) Chromatographic examinations on excretions of rat and patient revealed that Tl-201 administered was excreted without any metabolic changes, such as oxidation to thallic ion. 4) Estimated exposure doses were different from that of reported values. This may be due to using longer biological half-life values based on the excretion data obtained from patients in our calculations. 5) All the myocardial images were clear and useful for myocardial disease and the diagnostic results agreed well with those obtained from ECG. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |