Japanese |
Title | 新合成副腎シンチスキャン製剤の研究 (特に6β-iodomethyl-19-nor-cholest-5(10)-en-3β-ol-125Iと19-iodocholesterol-125Iの比較検討) |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 梅田文夫*, 加藤堅一*, 井林博*, 前田稔**, 小嶋正治** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *九州大学医学部 第3内科教室, **九州大学薬学部 放射性薬品化学教室 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 14 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 335-340 |
Year/Month | 1977/6 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「1. 緒言」1970年Counsellらにより初めて合成開発された19-iodocholest-5(6)-en-3β-ol-131I(以下CL-19-131Iと略)は翌1971年Beierwaltesら, Liebermanら, 次いでConnらによって副腎シンチスキャン用製剤として副腎病変の性質と部位の診断上臨床的有用性が指摘されるとともに現在臨床的に広く使用されるに到っている. 1975年小嶋らはCL-19-131Iの合成分離過程で, CL-19-131Iとは別個の放射性新化合物を見出し, その構造決定により6β-iodomethyl-19-norcholest-5(10)-en-3β-ol-131I(以下NCL-6-131Iと略)と同定し, その合成法を確立した. また従来のいわゆるCL-19-131I製剤中にはこのNCL-6-131Iが約10〜30%含有されていること, およびNCL-6-131IがCL-19-131Iに比して化学的にも安定であることが判明した. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | Study on New Adrenal Scinti - Scanning Agent (Comparison of 6β-Iodomethyl-19-nor-cholest-5(10)-en-3β-ol-125I and 19-Iodocholesterol-125I) |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Fumio UMEDA*, Kenichi KATO*, Hiroshi IBAYASHI*, Minoru MAEDA**, Masaharu KOJIMA** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *The Third Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Kyushu University, **Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 14 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 335-340 |
Year/Month | 1977/6 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | Two pure adrenal scanning agents, 6β-iodomethyl-19-nor-cholest-5(10)-en-3β-ol-125I(NCL-6-125I) and 19-iodocholest-5(6)-en-3β-ol-125I(CL-19-125I), were synthesized, and administered in dogs. These agents were compared in regard to the adrenal accumulation and the concentration ratio of adrenal gland to liver. It was revealed that NCL-6-125I was accumulated 2.2 times more than CL-19-125I in the adrenal gland, and the concentration ratio of NCL-6-125I was 2.9 times higher than that of CL-19-125I. These results indicated that a NCL-6-I was more useful adrenal scanning agent than a CL-19-I. From the studies of thin layer chromatography on the metabolic pattern of these two agents in the adrenal gland, it was demonstrated that CL-19-125I was esterified in about 41%, and it was suggested that CL-19-125I was converted to adrenocorticosteroids. On the other hand, NCL-6-125I was esterified in a small amount(3.6%), and high radioactivity(27.1%)remained at NCL-6-I position on the thin layer chromatogram. It was not suggested that NCL-6-125I was converted to steroids. NCL-6-131I was showed to be useful for the diagnosis of adrenal cancer and its metastasis. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |