Japanese |
Title | 心拍連動RI心血管造影による左心機能の診断 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 成田充啓*, 宇佐美暢久*, 栗原正*, 瓦谷仁志*, 金尾啓祐**, 本田稔** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *住友病院内科, **アイソトープ室 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 14 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 21-31 |
Year/Month | 1977/2 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「I. 緒言」心疾患患者を治療するさい, しばしば左心機能を正確に評価する必要が生じる. このために, 種々の非観血的測定法が考案され, また静脈系を経由した観血的な方法が用いられてきたが, 対象とする左心室の動きを直接とらえない限り, 正確な左室機能の評価は行いえない. 今日この目的のために, 最も信頼のおける方法とされているのは, 左心カテーテル法による圧曲線, および左室造影図の分析であるが, この方法は, 被検者に与える侵襲が大であり, その適応は限られ, また反覆施行する事はさらに困難である. 左室機能の評価は, 左心カテーテル検査の困難な重篤な状態ほど必要である. 1969年MullinsらがRI心血管造影により心容積の算出が可能であると報告して以来, 心機能を知る非観血的方法としてRI心血管造影法が広く用いられる様になった. 我々は99mTc-HSA(human serum albumin)を末梢静脈より静注し, 心拍連動RI心血管造影を行い, 99mTc-HSAの左室第1回通過時の左室内RIカウントより, カウント法にて左室駆出率を, また99mTc-HSAの稀釈曲線より心拍出量を求め, さらに左室拡張末期容積, 左室収縮末期容積を求めた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | Noninvasive Assessment of the Left Ventricular Function by ECG Synchronized RI - Angiocardiography |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Michihiro NARITA, Masahisa USAMI, Tadashi KURIHARA, Hitoshi KAWARADANI, Keisuke KANAO, Minoru HONDA |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Sumitomo Hospital Department of Internal Medicine and Division of Radioisotope |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 14 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 21-31 |
Year/Month | 1977/2 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | We obtained various hemodynamic parameters and regional myocardial contraction abnormalities noninvasively by RI-angiocardiography. Pho/Gamma-HP scintillation camera fitted with 15000pararell hole 140KeV high-resolution collimator was interfaced to the minicomputer. The image data and Ecg data were simultaneously recorded on magnetic tape. Tc-HSA were repidly introduced into right antecubital vein. At first, precordial activity was recorded during the first circulation through the heart and equilibrated state of radionucleide in the intravascular space at modified LAO, then the detector was rotated so that the patient was viewed from RAO, and recorded four minutes. [1)EF]In 13 patients, Swan-Ganz catheter was introduced into right upper pulmonary artery, and left ventriculogram was performed by injection of Tc-pertechnatate at anterior or RAO. (PA-method) By using Ecg R-wave, six consecutive beats at end-diastole and end-systole were summed and displayed during first pass of RI bolus through LV. In PA-method, EF was calculated by area-length method. In peripheral venous injection, with the use of these images, both time activity curves at end-diastole and end-systole were computed in consecutive 30 beats. EF was computed from end-diastolic, end-systolic and background counts. EF in venous injection method which corrected background activity as determined with semiannular ROI(2-matrix-points in width and surrounded LV free wall)was correlated best with EF in PA-method. (r=0.96)2) CO was calculated by RI-dilution method from time activity curves of LV and properly set up background. For convenience, this histogram was fitted to a gamma variete using least-square technic. CO obtained by this method was well correlated with CO obtained by RIHSA-RCG. (r=0.93)3) EDV and ESV were calculated from EF and SV. 4) For the detection of asynergy, end-diastolic and end-systolic images were made by summation of 250-300 beats. (RAO-data)Total22old myocardial infarctions were examined and asynergy were detected in 19. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |