Japanese |
Title | Whole Body CounterによるビタミンB12吸収試験 (2) その臨床応用 殊に膵全摘患者でのB12吸収に及ぼす膵酵素の効果について |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 森下玲児*, 古松苣子**, 脇坂行一* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *京都大学医学部第1内科, **放射線部中央同位元素部門 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 12 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 613-622 |
Year/Month | 1975/12 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | ビタミンB12(B12)の腸管吸収に関する研究はMinot and Murphyによる悪性貧血(PA)の肝臓療法の発見につづくCastleの胃液内因子(Gastric Intrinsic Factor, 以下IFと略), 外因子(実はB12)説につづく1949年のB12の発見, さらに放射能標識B12の吸収試験への導入によって画期的に進歩した. 既報において著者らはwhole body counter(plastic)によるB12吸収試験の基礎的検討を行い, 少量の放射性B12投与量で簡単に正確なB12吸収率を得る事が出来ることを報告したが, ここではその臨床応用としてB12吸収試験を依頼された各種疾患患者においてwhole body counter(WBC)を用いて行ったB12吸収試験の成績を報告すると共に, その優れた定量性を利用して膵切除(全摘ならびに部分切除)患者においてB12吸収に及ぼすpancreatin(膵酵素)の効果について検討したので報告する. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | The Study of Vitamin B12 Absorption by a Whole-body Counter (Plastic) (2) The clinical application with special reference to the effect of pancreatic enzymes on vitamin B12 absorption in total pancreatectomized patients. |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Reiji MORISHITA*, Gyoichi WAKISAKA*, Chisako FURUMATSU** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *The first Department of Internal Medicine, **Central Clinical Radioisotope Division, Kyoto University School of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 12 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 613-622 |
Year/Month | 1975/12 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] Studies on vitamin B12 (B12) absorption were performed by a whole body counting method (plastic), Mean B12 retention in control patients (21) withno B12 malabsorption syndromesafter seven days was 68.62+-10.15% (S. D.) and that in 5 atrophic gastritis patients without pernicious anemia was 55.79+-12.08% (significance p<0.05 against control). The mean B12 absorption in 9 patients with subtotal gastrectomy was 39.32+-19.70% (significantly different against that of control, P<0.001). B12 absorption was markedly diminished in 3 total gastrectomized patients and 2 PA patients ranging from 0.1 to 2.6%, All three patients with total pancreatectomy showed B12 malabsorption, In two out of the three patients, B12 absorption was improved by administration of pancreatic extract, pancreatin. Another patient showed the most improved absorption when normal human gastric juice in an amount of 20ml was administered with pancreatin because of the lack of intrinsic factor (IF) in the gastric juice. The enhancing effect of pancreatin on B12 absorption was markedly reduced by the heating of the pancreatin at 100℃ for 10 minutes. It was found that the pancreatin, per se, had no IF activity. Three patients with partial pancreatectomy showed normal, intermediate and decreased B12 absorption and two out of the three patients showed a slight depression of B12 absorption by administration of pancreatin. The contamination of cold B12 in pancreatin might be responsible for the reduction of B12 absorption in these patients. These data indicated that the secretions of at least minimum amount of both the pancreatic enzymes and gastric IF were necessary for an optimal B12 absorption, although pancreatic secretions might not be absolutely necessary for B12 absorption. The possible mechanisms to account for the beneficial effects of pancreatin on B12 absorption were discussed. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |