Japanese |
Title | 169Yb-citrateによる骨腫瘍の骨イメージング |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 立野育郎*, 分校久志*, 加藤外栄* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *国立金沢病院放射線科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 11 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 471-478 |
Year/Month | 1974/8 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「1. 緒言」ランタニド元素169Yb-citrateの癌親和性が久田らによって報告され, われわれも臨床的検討を行ってその有用性をみとめたが, 骨がシンチグラフィーにて明瞭に描画され, 骨と重なる悪性病変の検出が困難である場合が少なくない事実, および1剖検例について各臓器の単位重量当りの放射能比を求めると, 骨は血液の500〜600倍と最高の集積を示し, 他の臓器は比較的低い集積をみとめた事実にかんがみ, 主として骨腫瘍の放射線治療に於ける位置決めを目的として, 169Yb-citrateによる骨イメージングについて検討した. その結果を報告する. 「2. 1剖検例による169Yb-citrateの体内分布」71歳の男子で, 4年前軟口蓋の扁平上皮癌でラジウム治療にて治癒し, 3年前両側頸部リンパ節転移と, 2年前胸骨柄部転移でいずれもリニアックX線治療が行われたが, 次第に衰弱した. 腫瘍スキャンを目的に, 169Yb-citrate 500μCiを静注したが, 状態改善せずスキャンを行う事なく19日後に死亡した. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | Bone Tumor Imaging with 169Yb-citrate |
Subtitle | Original |
Authors | Ikuro TATSUNO, Hisashi BUNKO, Sotoe KATO |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, National Kanazawa Hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 11 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 471-478 |
Year/Month | 1974/8 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary]Tumor affinity of the Lanthanides series was first reported by Hisada et al. and one of them, 169Yb-citrate, was proposed to be the most suitable tumor imaging agent. But 169Yb-citrate also accumulated highly in some tissues other than tumors, i. e. bones, salivary glands et al., and when tumors were overlapped with skeletal system the images sometimes became difficult to read to be positive tumor accumulation. So we intended to use 169Yb-citrate as a bone imaging agent rather than tumor imaging agent. Incidently we had one autopsy case who died 19 days after 169Yb-citrate tumor imaging was intended and 169Yb-citrate was administered intravenously, and we confirmed that 169Yb-citrate accumulated chiefly in the bones (500-600 times of blood activity). From these results, we used 169Yb-citrate in detecting malignant bone lesions on purpose of localization of radiation therapy of these lesions. Bone imaging was taken 2-5 days after injection of 200-300 μCi of 169Yb-citrate intravenously. Normal skeletal system, especially vertebral column, cranial bone, pelvis, 10ng bones and joints were clearly delineated. The accumulation of 169Yb-citrate appeared to be slightly decreasing with age. Forty-five bone lesions were imaged and nineteen lesions were detected by X-ray photo (X-p) and/or 169Yb-citrate imaging. These nineteen lesions were confirmed either by biopsy, operation or autopsy. Seventeen of these 19 lesions were detected by 169Yb imaging (89.5%) ; of these 17,15 (88.2%) revealed abnormal 169Yb accumulation and 2 (11.8%) revealed abnormal 169Yb defect. Fifteen lesions (79.0%) were detected by X-p and thirteen (68.4%) by both X-P and 169Yb imaging. To compare X-p with 169Yb imaging in detecting these lesions, 8 (42.1%) were equally detected by each methods and in 8 (42.1%) 169Yb imaging exceeded X-p and in 3 (15.8%) X-p exceeded 169Yb imaging. After radiation therapy, 169Yb accumulation decreased. From our experience, it must be remembered that some cases of almost complete osteolytic change will reveal the lesion as 169Yb defect and that sternum and thoracic vertebra confuses in frontal view, then lateral view sometimes reveals useful Because of its little accumulation on liver and no disturbance by activity in urinary tract like 87m Sr, 99mTc-pyrophosphate and 99mTc-polyphosphate, 169Yb-citrate is suitable for imaging in lumbar vertebral and pelvic region. Unfortunately, it highly accumulates in salivary glands and nasal cavity, it is difficult to image the lesion of head and neck region. 169Yb is non-beta emitter and has suitable gam-ma-ray energy for imaging, and has a long shelf life (physical half life ; 32 days). From a standpoint of radiation dose to skeletal system, large dose cannot be administered but selection of cases makes the nuclide to be relatively low-cost and useful bone seeking agent. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |