Japanese |
Title | 131I-Microaggregated Albumin (131I-MIAA) による肝・脾シンチグラムの臨床的研究 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 中川昌壮*, 藤山重俊* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *熊本大学医学部第三内科学教室 (主任 : 長島秀夫教授) |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 11 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 71-85 |
Year/Month | 1974/4 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「I. まえがき」現今, 肝シンチスキャニングは内科診療上非常に重要な検査項目となっており, それには198Au colloidによる肝シンチグラムが最も高頻度に用いられるのが現状である. そのシンチグラムからいろいろの情報を得ることができるが, そのなかでも脾像の出現の有無は肝臓や門脈循環の病態, さらには脾臓の機能の推定にも有用な情報を提供してくれるものとして重視されている. しかし, 一方において臨床例のなかには左季肋部腫瘤が肝左葉か脾臓かあるいは他のものかの鑑別を要する症例や, また, 左下側胸部の濁音界と脾との関係を知る必要のある場合もあり, 肝像と同時に脾像の常に出現することが有意義である場合も多い. すでに, 脾像描出RI標識物質-として熱変性51Cr標識赤血球や203Hg-Mercury hydroxy propaneなどがあるが, 近年, Taplinらの考案した131I-Microaggregated albumin (131I-MIAA) は肝像とともに脾像を描出するRI物質として便利なものである. 本邦でもすでに山田ら, 今枝らの報告を見るが著者らも最近, 第一ラジオアイソトープ研究所製の131I-MIAAを臨床的に応用する機会を与えられたので若干例について臨床的検討を行い, その知見について報告する. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | Clinical Studies on Liver-Spleen Scintigram with the Use of 131I-Microaggregated Albumin |
Subtitle | Original |
Authors | Shoso NAKAGAWA, Shigetoshi FUJIYAMA |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kumamoto University Medical School (Director : Prof. Hideo NAGASHIMA) |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 11 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 71-85 |
Year/Month | 1974/4 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | The authors have studied on the clinical usefullness and significance of the liver-spleen scintigram using 131I-microaggregated albumin (131I-MIAA). 24 patients with liver diseases and splenomegaly were examined. By the external counting over the liver and spleen, half times of radioactivity disappearance were about 5 hours or more. The spleen images were visualized on all cases. On 13 cases in those patients, we examined two kinds of scintiscannings using 131I-MIAA and 198Au colloid within 2 weeks. We compared those two scintigrams in regards to the size of the spleen image, the grade of uptake of the spleen image (Castell's splenic score), patchy pattern of the liver image, the sharpness of the margin of the liver image, bone marrow image and background. The information about the spleen image was more significant in the 131I-MIAA scintigram, but the liver image was not as good. The Castell's splenic score were correlated with the durations of the liver diseases and, especially, the grade of portal hypertension. The correlation of the splenic score, however, with various liver function tests and peripheral blood findings were not so clear. On some cases with acute hepatitis (convalescent stage) and hemolytic anemia, the spleen images with 131I-MIAA were mere remarkable than the other which were scarcely visualized. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |