Japanese |
Title | Equilibrium dialysisによる血清free thyroxine測定法 |
Subtitle | 技術 |
Authors | 今野則道, 萩原康司, 今寛* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *北海道社会保険中央病院 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 10 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 487-494 |
Year/Month | 1973/10 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要約」Equilibrium dialysisによるfree thyroxine測定法について, 測定法に影響を与えるいくつかの因子および臨床上の応用を検討した. 基本的な測定条件は, 血清3.0 ml, phosphate buffer 5.0 mlを用い37℃, pH 7.4で18時間incubateし, MgCl2でradiothyroxineを分離し, %FT4を算出した. 正常人の%FT4は0.0159±0.0028%(mean±S.D.)でAFT4は1.5±0.25ng/dlであつた. %FT4およびAFT4のいずれも甲状腺機能亢進症で上昇し, 甲状腺機能低下症では低下した. Free thyroxine indexとfree thyroxine濃度の間には, 推計学的に有意な直線関係があつた(r=0.97, p<0.001). また, 稀釈血清を用いると%FT4は稀釈倍数が増加するにつれ, 次第に低下し, 稀釈倍数16ないし32で一定の値に達した. この血清稀釈による%FT4の減少を補正するためにreference serumを用いることが有用であることを示した. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | Measurement of free thyroxine concentration in human serum by equilibrium dialysis |
Subtitle | Original |
Authors | Norimichi KONNO, Koji HAGIWARA, Hiroshi KON |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Hokkaido social insurance central hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 10 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 487-494 |
Year/Month | 1973/10 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | [Summary] A dialysis method for determing free thyroxine in undiluted and diluted serum is presented. The effect of a number of variables (pH, incubation time, incubation temperature, specimen storage and serum dilution) was studied and pertinent data was presented. Within-run precision (95% confidence limits) was +- 3.9% and between-run precision was +- 8.0%. Specimen from 22 healthy subjects were analyzed and normal range of % free thyroxine and absolute free thyroxine were 0.010-0.020 % and 1.0-2.0 ng/dl respectively. Both % free thyroxine and absolute free thyroxine were markedly increased in hyperthyroid and significantly decreased in hypothyroid patients. The correlation between values for free thyroxine concentration and free thyroxine index was good (r=0.97, p<0.001) and the clinical significance of free thyroxine concentration in serum was discussed. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |