Japanese |
Title | 197Hgクロルメロドリンによる腎シンチグラム |
Subtitle | 使用経験 |
Authors | 木村和文* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *大阪大学医学部附属病院 中央放射線部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 10 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 479-486 |
Year/Month | 1973/10 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「1. 緒言」腎シンチグラムは腎の位置, 形態のほか, 左右別分腎機能, 部分的機能状態などを容易にうかがい知ることができるきわめて有力な検査法の1つである. 本検査法に使用する放射性医薬品として, 203Hg-chlormerodrinが1960年McAfeeらによつて導入されて以来広く用いられている. 本剤は古くより知られている水銀利尿剤chlormerodrinの水銀原子を放射性同位元素203Hgで置換したものであるが, 標識化合物としての安定性, 無毒性, 腎実質への特異的な高い集積率, 集積率と腎機能との高い相関, あるいは適当な腎滞留時間, 適当な放射γ線エネルギー(280 KeV)などシンチグラム用放射性薬剤としてすぐれた性質をもつている. しかし, 一方, 203Hgは半減期が比較的長く, β線を放出するため, 一部(約1/4量)の腎に長く滞留する203Hgによる被検者の腎被曝線量が比較的大きいのが欠点であつた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | Renal Scintigraphy with 197Hg-Chlormerodrin |
Subtitle | Original |
Authors | Kazufumi KIMURA |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Osaka University Medical School |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 10 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 479-486 |
Year/Month | 1973/10 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | 197Hg-chlormerodrin has recently been developed for a renal scanning radiopharmaceuticals. In this paper, the counting efficiencies, biological behaviors and the internal radiation dose of the labeled compound were studied and compared with those of the 203Hg labeled agent. The counting efficiency was estimated using kidney shaped paper phantoms with radiation absorbers of 1 to 5 cm thick acrylic resin plate. By ordinary scintillation detectors as a renogram apparatus or a scintiscanner, the 197Hg/203Hg count ratio at the same curie dose was approximately 4: 10. But with an Anger-type scinti-camera, using the low energy collimeter for 197Hg and the high energy collimeter for 203Hg respectively, and at the usual spectrometer-setting for each nuclide, the count ratio of them was almost 1: 1. So that it was turned out that by a scinti-camera one could obtain almost same density scintiphotos using the same curie dose radioisotopes. The sequential whole-body and renal radioactivities after intra venous administration of 203Hg-chlormeredrin were mesured by a shadow-shield type whole-body counter and by an Anger-type scinticamera respectively, for a period of eight weeks. The maximum accumulation ratio of chlormerodrin to kidneys was approximately 80% (after 1 hour). The both disappearance curves were two phasic. The 77% of the whole-body radioactivity decreased by a biological half life of 7.6 hours and 23% of it decreased by a biological half life of 40 days. The 73.4% and the 26.6% of the renal radioactivity decreased by biological hals lives of 8.2 hours and 40 days respectively. Using above data the internal radiation dose were calculated. With 197Hg-chlormerodrin the exposure dose to kidneys was 1.85 rads per 150 μCi and with 203Hg-chlormerodrin the dose was 18.3 rads per 150μCi. Following demonstrations of renal scintigrams of clinical cases, advantages of the labeled compound were discussed and it was concluded that the diagnostic value of 197Hg-chlormerodrin was almost equivalent to 203Hg-chlormerodrin and from the point of the exposure dose the former was to be recomended. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |