Japanese |
Title | Sephadex結合抗体を使用するIgEのradioimmunoassay法の検討 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 蒲生鉄男* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *大阪大学医学部小児科学教室 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 9 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 573-578 |
Year/Month | 1972/12 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「I. 緒言」γEは1966年石坂らにより枯草熱患者血清中にreagin活性のcarrierとして発見され仮に命名された免疫グロブリンである. その後まもなくJohanssonらはmyeloma蛋白IgNDを発見した. γEとIgND両者は同一クラスの免疫グロブリンであることが確認され, IgEまたはγEは新しい免疫グロブリンのクラスとして世界的に承認されることになった. 血清IgE値の測定は, すでに1967年Johanssonが彼の発見したIgNDを用いてsolid phase radioimmunoassayにより行っている. radioimmunoassayに使用した標識IgEのための精製IgEはIgE myelomaから得ているが, 世界でもIgE myeloma患者はなお数例しか発見されておらず, ことに日本では入手できなかったのでこの定量法は一般には行い得なかった. そのため, 抗IgEを使ってのManciniらの方法によるsingle radial immunodiffusionおよびその感度を上げるために改良された2〜3の方法が行われているが, 感度が低いこと, 感度を上げるには操作が煩雑すぎることのために小児期, 特に乳幼児期の低い血清IgE値の検討には満足し得ないものであった. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | Studies on radioimmunoassay for IgE by the use of Sephadex - coupled antibodies |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Tetsuo GAMO |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Osaka University |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 9 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 573-578 |
Year/Month | 1972/12 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | Determination of IgE level in serum by radioimmunoassay have not been carried out in Japan until very recently, since purified preparation of IgE for radioiodination has not been available. Recently, the author had opportunity to use the rodioimmunoassay kit(Phadebas IgE test, manufactured by Pharmacia AB)consisting of Sephadex-coupled anti-IgE antibodies, 125I-IgE and standard serum containing IgE as reference. In the present study, some optimal conditions in the reactions using the radioimmunoassay kit were investigated. 1) The optimal conditions for incubation were found to be at room temperature for 2 days in practical use. 2) IgE values obtained from diluted serum samples more than 8-fold by the radioimmunoassay were consistent with those obtained by single radial immunodiffusion method. Undiluted serum samples, however, yielded higher values than those obtained with diluted serum samples. These higher values from undiluted serum samples were not influenced by the addition of 0.01 M EDTA. Thus, it may be recommended that test serum samples should be diluted more than 8-fold prior to the radioimmunoassay. 3) The IgE concentration as low as 20 U/ml could be measured within 15%error by this radioimmunoassay. The recovery rate was 104.4% (98〜116%). |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |