Title妊娠時および産後における甲状腺ホルモンの変動に関する研究 第二編 妊娠時および産後における血清Thyroxine値の変動について
Organization昭和大学 第3内科学教室, 主任 : 新谷博教授, 指導 : 飯野史郎助教授
Abstract「I. 緒言」妊娠時および産後におけるProtein-bound iodine (以下PBI) または, Butanol extractable iodine (BEI) の変動に関する報告は少なくないが, 血清Thyroxine (以下T4) 濃度の変動に関しての報告は見あたらない. そこでTetrasorb. kitを用いて, 血清T4値を測定し, 妊娠時および産後におけるT4値の変動について検討すると共に, 未治療甲状腺機能亢進症を合併する例における血清T4値についてもふれ, 正常妊娠との鑑別についても論じたので, その結果を報告する. 「II. 対象および方法」対象は昭和大学病院産婦人科および第三内科を受診した80例の妊娠婦人と12例の正常産褥婦人である. 妊娠時の血清T4値の変動は73例の正常妊娠婦人につき83回の測定を行ない, 月別に平均値を求め, 検討を加えた. 残りの7例は未治療甲状腺機能亢進症合併例であり, 別個に検討を加えた. なお, 妊娠日数は最終月経の第一日より起算した.
TitleA Study on The Change in The Serum Thyroxine Concentrations During Pregnancy and Postpartum Period.
AuthorsTakashi WATANABE
OrganizationThe Third Department of Internal Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine (Chief : Prof. Hirokazu Niitani) (Director : Assist. Prof. Shiro Iino)
JournalThe Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine
ArticleOriginal article
Abstract[Summary] Although there is a lot of reports m the change in protein-bound iodine or butanol-extractable iodine during pregnancy and postpartum period, the report on the change in thyroxine itself is not available, so far. Therefore, it was thought of interest to determine the change in the thyroxine level during those periods. 73 normal pregnant, 7 untreated hyperthyroid pregnant women and 12 normal puerpera were employea in this study. The serum thyroxine values were averaged every lunar month from the second through the last month of gestation. The date of pregnancy was calculated from the first day of the last menstruation. In order to investigate the change in serum thyroxine level after delivery the blood samples were taken successively on the 3rd, 7th and 30th days of the postpartum period and the levels of thyroxine were determined and averaged for each day, respectively. The serum thyroxine values were also determined in non-treated hyperthyroid pregnant women and compared with those of euthyroid pregnant ones. The thyroxine concentration of the cord blood was determined in 5 normal newborn infants. The thyroxine concentration was determined with Tetrasorb kit and the radioactivity was smeasured with Aloka's Uptex. It was observed that the average serum thyroxine concentration increased in the second lunar month already, reaching its highest value of 19.2μg/100 ml in the 4th month, then keeping higher values between 15.5 and 17.3μg/100ml to the end of gestation with minor fluctuations. There were 11 subjects with the thyroxine values over 20μg/100ml during pregnancy, in whom pregnancy and delivery were quite normal and no abnormality was observed in the newborn. In all of 6 non-treated hyperthyroid pregnant women, serum thyroxine values were in the hyperthyroid range of over 18μg/100ml. In 2 out of 6 these patients, in whom the disease was thought to be in complete remission, T3-RSU values were in euthyroid non-pregnant range, although the thyroxine values were 33.0 and over 25.0μg/100ml. After delivery, it was observed that the serum thyroxine value dropped to the normal upper limit on the 3rd day, then showing a slightly higher value on the 7th day, recovered to the normal range by the 30th day. The average thyroxine value of cord blood was 12.7 +- 1.53μg/100 ml. It is concluded that the serum thyroxine concentration during pregnancy increases in the second lunar month already reaching its maximum level in the 4th month, then keeping higher value between 15 and 17μg/100ml to the end of last month. After delivery, the serum thyroxine concentration decreases to the upper limit of normal pregnant range on the 3rd day, showing a slightly higher value on the 7th day. but normalized by the 30th day. The thyroxine value of cord blood was lower than that of mother, but remained in high normal range. In the pregnant women complicated with hyperthyroidism, the serum thyroxine was in the hyperthyroid range, even in the patients showing remission of the disease. It is noted that the differentia tion of the hyperthyroid pregnants from euthyroid ones cannot be made by the serum thyroxine concentration, but can be made by the T7 value.
PracticeClinical medicine
