Japanese |
Title | 131I Albumin Microaggregates (131I MIAA) による肝・脾スキャン (1) 基礎的検討・臨床応用および被曝線量 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 山田英夫*, 飯尾正宏*, 千葉一夫*, 井内正彦**, 石和衛**, 山口千里*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *東京大学第二内科, **市立甲府病院内科, ***東京工業大学理学部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 8 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 80-89 |
Year/Month | 1971/4 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「序」 肝網内系スキャニング用物質としては, 従来198Auコロイドが汎用されて来たが, 最近99mTc硫化コロイド(99mTcSC), 113mInコロイドなどが用いられるようになった. しかし198Auでは肝の被曝線量が多く, また99mTcSCや113mInコロイドでは, 物理的半減期が短かいので自家調整が必要である. 前者ではそれに用いられるStabilizerとしてのゼラチン, デキストランなどによると思われる重篤な副作用も報告されている. TaplinらはBenacerrafらの方法を改良して, 131I標識加熱凝集アルブミン(131IAA)を簡単に作る方法を報告し, これを肝スキャニング用物質として用いた. これは上述の諸物質と異なり体内で代謝される. 飯尾, Wagnerらはさらに製法の詳細な検討を行ない定量的に網内系機能の測定を行なった. 著者らも131IAAにより諸種疾患時の網内系機能の測定を行ない, 肝スキャニングにも応用した. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | 131I Albumin Microaggregates (131I MIAA) for Liver-Spleen Scanning |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Hideo YAMADA*, Masahiro IIO*, Kazuo CHIBA*, Masahiko IUCHI**, Mamoru ISHIWA**, Chiri YAMAGUCHI*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Second Department of Internal Medicine, Univensity of Tokyo, **Department of Internal Medicine, Kofu City Hospisal, ***Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 8 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 80-89 |
Year/Month | 1971/4 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] The radiopharmacology of I-131 MIAA and its clinical application for liver-spleen scanning were reported here. 1) I-131 MIAA has a long-life and was usuable for 3 weeks after preparation. 2) Blood disappearance of I-131 MIAA is very rapid : t1/2=2.1+-0.2 in 13 dogs. 3) Biological half-life is relatively short. Half-time of disappearance from the liver was about 5 hours which is enough for liver-spleen scanning. 4) The size of these particles are large enough for photomicroscopic visualization. Therefore control of size and uniformity of particles is easy. Centrifuge method using high specific gravity solution makes the distribution and uniformity of activity related to the size clear. 5) No untoward reaction was observed sofar. 6) Radiation dose to the liver calculated based on MIRD method is 1.02 rad per 600μCi of I-131 MIAA which is much less than Au-198 colloids. The radiation dose of the latter substance is 25.6 rad in case of the same administration dose as I-131 MIAA, that is 600μCi of Au-198 colloid. 7) The spleen is easily visualized with I-131 MIAA. Therefore MIAA was concluded to be a useful radiopharmaceutical for the spleen visuaualization as well as the liver. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |