Japanese |
Title | 131I-トリヨードサイロニン (131I-T3) による肝スキャニング |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 立野育郎 |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | 国立金沢病院 特殊放射線科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 7 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 111-117 |
Year/Month | 1970/6 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「I. はじめに」著者は, 131Iの甲状腺外分布を追求し, すでに報告した. 即ち, 胃, 唾液腺, 乳腺, 汗腺などに131Iの分泌がみとめられ, 胃, 唾液腺, 乳腺等のスキャニングを行なってそれらの診断的価値を追求した. 更に, 核医学, 第5巻, 第2号で, 甲状腺機能亢進症の患者の中で, 中毒症状が強くて, レジンスポンジアップテーク, 基礎代謝率ならびにアルカリフォスファターゼの高値, 血清コレステロールの低値を示す群に対して投与した治療量の131Iにより, 肝がスキャニングにより描出されたことを報告した. 次いで, 甲状腺ホルモンの血中レベルと肝における131Iの集積が密接な関係があると想定し, 131I標識サイロキシン(131I-T4)を静注して肝スキャニングの可能性を追求したら, 甲状腺機能, 肝機能に関係なく肝をスキャニングにより描出しえたことについても言及した. 今回, 著者は, 更に131I標識トリヨードサイロニン(131I-T3)による肝スキャニングに成功した. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | A New Agent for Liver Scanning : 131I-T3 |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Ikuro Tatsuno |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department Radiology. Kanazawa National Hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 7 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 111-117 |
Year/Month | 1970/6 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] Recently we have observed that the liver can be delineated by the scanning in some of hyperthyroidic patients following the administration of therapeutic dose of 113I.Comparing the liver showing group with non showing group, it has been found that resin sponge uptake, BMR and alkaline phosphatase are higher in former group than in latter, and total cholesterol level in the serum is lower in former group than in latter, whereas the both groups show no significant difference as to thyroid 131I uptake. These characteristic findings in laboratory tests might suggest the existence of more severe grade of thyrotoxicosis in former group. Then supposing the probable close relationship between the 131I accumulation in the liver and the thyroid hormon level in blood, we obtained liver scintigraln with 131I-labelled 1-thyroxine, that is 131I-T4 injected intravenously. Lately, we have injected 131I-labelled 1-triiodo-thyronine, that is 131I-T3 and tried to scintiscan the liver. The result is that we have succeeded in getting excellent scintigrams and noticed several advantages compared with 131I-T4 and 198Au colloid. They were as follows. 1) Maximum and enough radioactivity to scan the liver was reached about 5 minutes after I.V. injection of 131I-T3, whereas 120 to 180 minutes with 131I-T4, so that scanning will be able to be started immediately after the injection of 131I-T3. 2) The space-occupying lesion in the liver confirmed by autopsy was more truthfully and clearly delineated compared with one using colloidal 198Au. 3)Biological half time of 131I-T3 in the liver was 2 to 3 hours, but 30 to 90 hours with 131I-T4. The radiation dose of liver with 131I-T3, 131I-T4 and 198Au were determined respectively by the Quimby formula. The radiation to 1,200 g of liver (which is average weight of Japanese male) from a 200μCi of 131I-T3 will be approximately 0.25 rad. This radiaton dose can de reduced to 1/25 compared with one using 120μCi of colloidal 198Au which is mostly used tacer dose in our department. This paper presented to the 12th International Congress of Radiegy, Tokyo, October, 1969. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |