Titleハツカネズミ脾網内系貪食能検査法としてのNa2 51CrO4標識加熱変性赤血球法の検討
Authors有森茂, 藤原勝, 的場邦和, 吉岡溥夫, 八田俊治, 大西武生**
Organization**岡山大学 平木内科 (主任 : 平木潔教授)
Abstract脾網内系組織が変性赤血球を貪食破壊することはよく知られた事実である. この網内系組織の機能検査法としては, コンゴー・ロート係数, 51Cr標識加熱処理赤血球法, 203Hg標識赤血球法, 放射性コンドロイチン硫酸鉄負荷法, 131I-Aggregated Albumin法などが工夫されている. 著者らはすでにクロラムフェニコールあるいはガンマ・グロブリン投与ハツカネズミについて, もともとヒトで開発のすすめられた51Cr標識加熱処理赤血球法を応用してその網内系機能の検査を行なってきた. そのさい51Cr標識法あるいは加熱処理法になお検討の余地が存在することを痛感していた. 本報告はこの51Cr標識ならびに加熱処理にさいして, いろいろ問題になりうる要因を基礎的に検討したので報告する. 「実験方法」ハツカネズミはICR系雌性ハツカネズミを用いた. 体重は20〜24gである.
TitleStudy on the Sequestration Test of Mouse Spleen
AuthorsShigeru Arimori, Masaru Fujiwara, Kunikazu Matoba, Hiroo Yoshioka, Toshiharu Hatta, Takeo Onishi
OrganizationThe Second Department of Internal Medicine, Okayama University Medical School
JournalThe Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine
ArticleOriginal article
Abstract[Summary] The sequestration of mouse spleen have been studied with the 51Cr-labelled heat damaged erythrocytes with alarge standard deviations in our laboratories from 1968. The improvement of this method was our urgent problem and the object of the present paper. The mice used were female ICR wighing 20 to 24 grams throughout this experiment. The next points were revealed necessary to improvve present 51Cr-labelled heat damaged erythrocytes method. The high specific activity of Na251CrO4 was essential to avoid excess hemolysis. No ascorbic acid had to be added with three to four times washing after label and denaturation of erythrocytes. Twenty minutes incubation at 49℃ was enough both to label and to damage the erythrocytes. Intravenous injection into tail vein was better than intraperitoneal injection. As a quantitative analysis of this method, same numbers of labelld erythrocytes might be injected intravenously in each mouse of all experiments, because the labelling amount of 51Cr on the surface of erythrocytes was almost constant at the level of 200 × 10-6 cpm without correlation of added Na51CrO4 volume. The splenic uptake should be measured at the same time rpnged one half to twelve hours after injection of labelled blood in all experiments, although the peak of uptake in the spleen was five hours after injection. The t1/2 (clearance) should be calculated with the first phase of 51Cr disappearance curve of peripheral blood. Few effects were observed with blood loss and exsanguination on splenic uptake. From these evidence 51Cr-labelled heat damaged erythrocytes method as a sequestration test of mouse spleen was improved as followed: 1) Three ml of iso-strain blood was collected by exsanguination. 2) One hundred μCi of Na251Cro4 was added in this blood at 49℃ for twenty minutes. 3) The labelled blood was washed with normal saline for three to four times. 4) The final labelled packed erythrocytes were brought to the original volume with normal saline. 5) The radioactivity of 0.3ml of the labelled blood was measured by well-type scintillation counter. 0.3ml of the labelled blood was injected into the tail vein of mouse. 6) 25μl of blood was taken from retroorbital venous plexus into heparinized micro-hematocrit tube at 5, 20, 40, and 60 minutes its after injection. Each blood was measured radioactivity with well-type scintillation counter. The cpm was plotted on semilogarithmic paper, and t1/2 (clearance) was obtained from blood disappearance curve. 7) The mice were sacrificed at 120 minutes afterinjection of labelled blood. The organ uptake rate was calculated dividing each organ cpm with cpm of 0.3ml blood. The unit organ uptake rate was obtained by dividing each organ uptake rate with each organ wet weight respectively.
PracticeClinical medicine
