Japanese |
Title | 67Ga-citrateによる癌の診断 (第I報) |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 東与光*, 池本真一*, 久田大郎**, 中山義之***, 鈴木慎二°, 棚田勲°, 加藤秀夫°, 村田晃°°, 杉山道雄°°, 大下寿隆°°° |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *神奈川歯科大学放射線学教室, **神奈川歯科大学病理学教室, ***神奈川歯科大学生化学教室, °横浜・警友病院放射線科, °°横浜・警友病院外科, °°°横浜・警友病院内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 6 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 217-226 |
Year/Month | 1969/9 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「はじめに」癌に選択的に摂取される放射性アイソトープ(RI)によって, 癌の診断をこころみようという研究は, 各国の多くの研究者によってなされてきた. しかし, まだ満足すべきRIが発見されていないのが現状である. スキャンニング装置の進歩, シンチカメラの登場, カテーテル型半導体検出器の開発などの装置の進歩はめざましいが, 癌親和性アイソトープといえるRIは生まれていない. 1969年Edwardsらが, 67Ga-citrateを用いてホジキン病の患者の骨スキャン中に, たまたま偶然に頸部リンパ節の病巣に67Ga-citrateが摂取され, 陽性像をえたと報告している. 私たちも, 数年来より, 癌組織中の微量金属に着目して, 放射化分析法により微量金属を追求してきた. そこで, 67Ga-citrateを用いて, 癌の診断をこころみ, 動物腫瘍により基礎実験し, 臨床的にも興味ある結果をえたので, ここに報告する. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
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English |
Title | Diagnosis of Malignent Tumor with 67Ga-citrate (1st Report) |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Tomomitu Higasi*, Sinichi Ikemoto*, Yosiyuki Nakayama**, Taro Hisada***, Sinji Suzuki°, Isamu Tanada°, Hideo Kato°, Akira Murata°°, Mitio Sugiyama°°, Suetaka Osita°°° |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Kanagawa Dental College, *Department of Radiology, **Department of Biochemistry, ***Department of Pathology, Yokohama Keiyu Hospital, °Division of Radiology, °°Division of Surgery, °°°Division of Internal Medicine. |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 6 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 217-226 |
Year/Month | 1969/9 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | A wide search for a better tumor-specific scanning agent has been carried out by a number of reseachers. However, as yet, success has been limited. Recently Edwards and Hayes (1969) reported 67Ga-citrate taken up selectively in the cervical lymph node of a patient with Hodgkin's disease. We obtained a fairly satisfactory result in a series of fundamental tests of 67Ga-citrate in cancerous mice. The result is as follows: 67Ga-citrate cpm/g of Ehrlich cancerous tissue was the highest. In biochemical analysis for cellular distribution of 67Ga-citrate, 14.7% of the mitochondria fraction was taken up with 67Ga and albumin and globulin fractions were combined with it. For morphorogical distridution of this material, 72Ga-citrate was designed in our laboratory. The microautoradiograph of the above mentioned tissue with 72Ga-citrate showed 72Ga was distributed within the cytoplasm and nucleus of cancerous cell. We interpreted this fact 67Ga-citrate was taken up directly within the cancerous cell. For human trial 1.5~2.0 mCi of the 67Ga-citrate was administered intravenously together with 200mg of sodium citrate. 48 hours after injection, scintigram and detection with catheter type semiconductor detector were taken. Human materials were 17 tumors such as breast cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, maxillary sinus cancer and pancreas cancer. 4 cases of breast cancer showed positive picture wheras 2 cases of mastopathy and one case of fibroadenoma were negative. 4 of the five lung cancer cases showed positive, while the remaining one case was negative in which 60Co radiation (7000R) was administered. 2 cases of stomach cancer were negative. A case of reappeared pancreas cancer was positive. A case of paranasal cavity cancer showed distinctively positive. A case of uterine cancer showed a obscure picture due to the overlapped picture of the bladder. Therefore, in this case 67Ga-citrate was detected with the aid of catheter type semiconductor detector which was inserted into the uterus through the vagina. The count of lesion showed approximately 4 times as high as the normal. The present method showed a satisfactory result in cancer of the paranasal cavity, lung cancer and the breast cancer. However, the employment of catheter type semiconductor detector was much more effective in cancer of the stomach and uterus in which a satisfactory scintigram was not obtainable for the positional reason. 67Ga-citrate is a very recommendable radioisotope for diagnosis of some of cancerous lesions. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |