Title203Hg標識MHPによるスキャニングに関する諸問題 (第2報) - 薬剤による放射性水銀の体外排泄促進の試み, 203Hg標識ネオヒドリンとの体外排泄の比較, MHP濃度とRIクリアランスならびにRI臓器分布状態の関係 -
Authors立野育郎, 加藤外栄*
Abstract著者は, 本標題の第1報で203Hg標識MHP (以下, MHP-203と略す)によるRIクリアランス, 脾ならびに腎スキャニング, 尿中排泄と腎残留などについて報告した. とくに, MHP法では赤血球処理法がCr法に比して簡単であり, 左上腹部腫瘤に対して, 脾, 腎, 肝が分離して1枚のシンチグラムに示されればその鑑別が容易であることを確認した. また, MHP法では, 脾における放射能ピークの時間が短く, 脾スキャニングのタイミングをあやまらないためには, 線スキャンを経時的に行なう必要性があることを強調した. しかし, 比較的多い脾奇形, とくに副脾の探索には腎との重なり合いを避けるためにCr法の方が有利である. MHP法の最大の欠点は203Hgの腎蓄積であり, 腎における有効半減期は30〜35日, 腎被曝量は100μCiのMHP-203で, 日本人の場合, 90radにも達すると計算された.
TitleSeveral Problems on the Splenic Scanning by 203Hg-Labeled MHP (The Second Report) - Urinary and Fecal Excretion of Radiomercury by Drugs, Excretive Comparison with 203Hg-Labeled Neohydrin, MHP Concentration as to RI Clearance and RI Distribution -
AuthorsI. Tatsuno, S. Kato
OrganizationDapartment of Radiology, National Kanazawa Hospital
JournalThe Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine
ArticleOriginal article
Abstract[Abstract] In the first report of this paper, author has reported RI clearance, splenic and renal scanning by 203Hg-labeled MHP (MHP-203) and urinary excretion and renal retention of radiomercury (203Hg). We emphasized that viewing from the standpoint of radiation, the crttical organ is the kidney. Following these studies, further investigation have been made. The radioactive mercury of MHP in the kidney and the liver is excreted in the urine and the stool. Total urine and feces was collected daily for 1 week. The 5 studies indicated that 3 to 9% of injected dose was found in the urine for first 24 hours, 0.5 to 1.5 per cent daily after 2 days and cumulative urinary excretion was only 10 to 14% for 1 week. The 2 studies revealed 17 and 23% excretion respectively in the stool for 1 week. One case showed only 1.7% urinary and only 4.5% fecal excretion for 1 week. To promote the excretion of radiomercury in the kidney and the liver, we have tried to use some antidotes, chelating agents and blocking agent. BAL, D-Penicillamin, Ca-EDTA and nonradioactive Neohydrin were used for 11 cases, but no significant effect with these drugs could be detected as to the excretion percentage of radiomercury. Excretion percentage seems to depend rather on individuals and the kind of diseases independently of using drugs. The time of starting renal scan with MHP-203 is more easily selected than with 203Hg-labeled Neohydrin because in the case of MHP-203 6 hours after i. v. injection enough radioactivity for scanning remains for 10 days. With 203Hg-labeled Neohydrin the peak level of the radiomercury in the kidney occurred between 30 and 90 minutes after i. v. injection and 80 to 90% of radiomercury was excreted in the urine for 3 to 4 days. The radiomercury of Neohydrine deposited less in the liver than MHP and also fecal excretion of radiomercury of Neohydrine by the bile duct was less than MHP in general, usually 2 to 3% for 3 to 4 days. In proportion to increasing MHP concentration for blood, the grade of damaging the erythrocytes was increased, RI clearance was becoming fast, and spleen heart ratio and spleen liver ratio of radioactivity increased. Viewing from the standpoint of splenic scanning, MHP concentration should be higher as much as possible, but higher concentration tends to hemolysis. We found hemolysis never occurred in the concentration of 0.4 to 0.3 mg of MHP for 1 ml blood and the spleen was excellently delinated in this concentration. The dose will be reduced to at least one-tenth by the use of 197Hg, but 197Hg-MHP is highly expensive now. Higher sensitive scanner will be able to reduce the i. v. injection dose of MHP-203. Further studies on the promotion of excretion of radiomercury is carried out now.
PracticeClinical medicine
