Japanese |
Title | 体表装着型シンチレーション検出器の試作とその臨床的応用 - とくに. 立位ならびに歩行時の肝循環測定について - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 中川昌壮**, 木下陽** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | **岡山大学医学部小坂内科教室(主任:小坂淳夫敦授) |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 4 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 142-148 |
Year/Month | 1967/9 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「I. 緒言」 近年, 核医学の分野は新しい放射性同位元素(RI)およびその標識物質の開発とともに, 計器類の開発もすすみ, 急速な発展をとげつつある. RIでは99mTcのごとき短半減期, no-β emitter, 適度のγ線エネルギーのものの開発, 応用が進み, 器機の面でもシンチカメラなどの異常部位の診断を短時間内に動的にとらえる装置の開発がすすんでいる. 一方, 生体内臓器の動的機能の測定も腎におけるレノグラムを初めとし, 心, 脳, 肺においても臨床的応用の研究がすすんでいる. 肝臓においても1952年Dobsonらにより32P-燐酸クロームコロイドが用いられたのを初めとし, 1954年Vetterら, さらに1956年Krookにより放射性金コロイド198Au-colloidが用いられ, 肝循環を体外計測で容易に算出することができるようになった. その後多くの先人の努力がなされ, わが国においても幾多の業績が報告されている. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | Application of A Portable Scintillation Detector to the Study of Liver Circulation in Standing and Stepping Postures |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Shoso Nakagawa, Akira Kinoshita |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Internal Medicine, Okayama University Medical School |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 4 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 142-148 |
Year/Month | 1967/9 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] For the purpose to determine the liver circulation in upright posture as well as in stepping and walking postures a new, portable scintillation detector has been constructed. Such a detector has to be a small and light one and also when attached to the body, its relative position to the target organ, the liver, should be stable. In this detector 1/2" φ x 2" NaI (TI) crystal serves as the scintillator and the detector itself is of the side-window type. As it is difficult to attach a special collimator on the window, only a hole is made in the lead shield. In order to obtain the optimal collimation the area of the window is made 22 x 22mm which is about one half the area of the scintillator. The thickness of the lead shield is 2.1cm, which has the shielding effect of 1/103 to the energy of the most frequently used isotopes like 198Au and 131I. Although the isorespoose curve is flattened and the resolution limited, there occurs no appreciable deviation in the position relation between the detector and the target organ. To make the detector smaller, the preamplifier is attached on the outside of the detector. A corset is devised to make readily attachable to the body surface. As the apparatus weighs 3 kg, a special care is given to its design of construction as well as to its corset attachment so that it will be attached to the body surface in a stable relative position. As a step toward this purpose, an attempt has been made to stabilize the relative position of the target organ and the detector by adjusting the position of the detector in accordance with the liver movement which is caused by the changing of postures from supine to upright. This is accomplished by drawing a picture of the relative position of the apparatus to the liver on the skin of the thoraco-abdominal region under the visual X-ray observation. For the clinical application of this apparatus, 13 volunteer students served as normal control group, and 7 chronic hepatitis and 12 liver cirrhosis patients as the liver disease group. With these subjects in the supine, standing and sepping postuers, the liver uptake curves of 198Au-colloid were drawn, and from these curves the liver accumulation coefficients (kL) were calculated. In the normal contral group kL values in the three postures were found to be 0.187+-0.032, 0.145+-0.040, and 0.160+-0.015 respectively ; in the chronic hepatitis group the respective values were 0.183+-0.023, 0.156+-0.036, and 0.156+-0.038 : and in the liver cirrhosis group 0.122+-0.031, 0.120+-0.028, and 0.112+-0.018. In the liver cirrhosis the kL values were found to be significantly lower than the other two groups in all the postuers. Further, in general the kL values have been found to diminish as the person changes his posture from the supine to the standing, and these values tend to increase slightly by the changing postuer from supine to standing, approaching close to those in the supine posture. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |