Japanese |
Title | 14C-α-tocopherol投与の妊娠ラット各臓器および胎仔に及ぼす影響 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 赤須文男*, 舘野政也, 柳沢和孝 |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | 金沢大学産科産婦人科学教室, *教授 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 4 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 56-62 |
Year/Month | 1967/5 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「I. 緒言」Vitamin E (以後Eと略) の生理作用や薬理作用については古くから研究されてきているが, いまだ十分解明されず, 臨床応用への積極性がみられていなかったが, 最近, いわゆる高濃度の製品が作成されるに及んで再びEに対する関心がもたれてきた. われわれは従来からEに注目し, これが切迫流早産や妊娠中毒症に対して有効でありその作用の1つとしてEに甲状腺機能調節効果があるらしいことをみ, すでに発表した. 妊娠中のEの作用機転を解明する主要な鍵の1つは胎盤にあるのではないかと考え, われわれは今回妊娠ラットに14C-α-tocopherolを投与し, 胎盤や胎仔におけるincorporationを観察し, progesterone (以後Pと略) の存在下におけるEの作用および流産などの場合におけるEの動態などについて, 2, 3の知見をえたので以下これを記述する. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | Effects of the Administration of 14C-α-tocopherol on the Tissues and Fetuses of Pregnant Rats. |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Fumio Akasu, Masaya Tateno, Kazutaka Yanagizawa |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Kanazawa University |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 4 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 56-62 |
Year/Month | 1967/5 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Abstract] Purpose : Following administration of 14C-α-tocopherol (abbreviated, 14C-V. E) to pregnant rats, incorporation of 14C-V. E into placentas and fetuses were observed and were studied to solve the effect of V. E treated with progesterone (abbreviated, P) and to clarify the significance of V. E in abortion cases. Experimental materials and methods : Pregnant rats of Wistar strain were divided into following seven groups. Steroids and V. E were administered from the 11th day to the 19th day of gestation. Group A : Control without treatment. Group B : P (1.0mg) administered. Group C : P (1 mg) and E (20 mg) administered. Group D : Testosterone propionate (0.5 mg, abbreviated, T. P) and P (5 mg) administered. Group E : T. P, and V. E administered. Group F : P (5.0 mg) administered, after castration on the 11th day of gestation. Group G : P (5 mg) and E (20 mg) administered, after castration, Following administration of 14C-V. E the rats of seven groups were sacrificed after 24 hours, visceras were all exciced and weighed. Particularly the macroscopical findiags of placentas and fetuses were observed. By Emmerie-Engel's procedure V. E was extracted and 14C-V. E contents were counted by liquid scintilation counter. Results : Administration of T. P or castration caused abortion, degeneration of placenta and death, maceration and absorption of fetus in pregnant rats. Administration of P to the pregnants rats, however, mitigated these changes. It was impossible, however, to maintain the complete gestation by administration of V. E combined with P. Considerable amounts of 14C-V. E were found to be incorporated into placentas in this experiment. Results of 14C-V. E incorporation into hypoplyse, liver, adrenals, kidney, ovaries, uterus and serum showed the same reported already by other workers. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |