Japanese |
Title | 3H-digoxin投与ラットの臓器放射能分布およびその排泄について |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 上田英雄, 町田喜久雄, 開原成允, 本木達也, 飯尾正宏, 村尾覚* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *東京大学上田内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 3 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 196-200 |
Year/Month | 1966/12 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | Digitalis配糖体測定にはbioassay法, calorimetric法, ラジオアイソトープ利用法, ポーラログラフィーによる方法が知られている. 近年放射性同位元素の研究がすすむにつれ, 有機化合物を構成するCやHの放射性同位元素である14Cや3Hを用いて標識されたdigitalis配糖体がえられるようになった, すなわち, Ceilingらによる14CO2利用の14C-digitoxin生合成にはじまり, 最近ではWilzbach法により3Hで比較的簡単に標識可能となり, かつ高比放射能の製剤がえられるようになった. われわれは3H-標識digoxinを用いて, digoxinのラット臓器分布とその排泄を測定検討したので, その測定法とともに, 報告する. 「対象および方法」対象は230ないし280gのウィスター系成熟雄ラットを用い, 各2匹を1群とし, 3H-digoxinの臓器分布の時間的経過を観察するために, 3H-digoxin 0.42mg/kgを腹腔内注射後, 1, 6, 24時間後に, エーテル麻酔にて殺した. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | Tissue concentration and Turnover of Tritiated Digoxin in Rats |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Hideo Ueda, Kikuo Machida, Shigekoto Kaihara, Tatsuya Motoki, Masahiro Iio, Satoru Murao |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | The Second Department of Internal Medicine, University of Tokyo. |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 3 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 196-200 |
Year/Month | 1966/12 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] Ten rats were given tritium-labeled digoxin and the turnover were studied. Six rats were injected 0.42mg/kg. of trititated digoxin and were killed one, six and 24 hours after the injection. Moreover to study the change of the distribution or per cent uptake of digoxin when the less tritiated digoxin was given, four rats were injected 0.07mg/kg and 0.2mg/kg. and killed six hours after. The determination of the radioactivity of each organs (brain, heart, lung, liver, spleen, stomach, striated muscle and liver) was performed by the Schoniger combustion method of Kelly et al. The tritiated water was dissolved in a scintillator of 4.0g POP,100mg. POPOP, 800ml. toluene, and 200ml. ethanol and counted in a liquid scintillation counter (Packard 4000 type). Our experiments revealed that the Schoniger-combustion method was very useful for the determination of tritium activity in the tissue and organ of rats. Counting could be done at the high efficiency of about 10% and 1000mg wet weight could be combusted in 2 L. flask. The turnover of tritiated digoxin of each organ was rapid and half time was about 3 hours and half in this experiments. In the liver the highest activity was found and this results suggested that the liver of rats is the center of metabolism or excretion of digoxin. In the brain the lowest activity was detected and this organ showed the very slow clearance of digoxin. The distribution, organ clearance and per cent uptake of tritiated digoxin did not reveal the affinty of digoxin to heart muscle. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |